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Businesses Participate in Fire Safety Week

By: , October 31, 2021

The Key Point:

Businesses and communities in St. Elizabeth are better equipped in fire safety and prevention protocols after participating in several activities, during the Jamaica Fire Brigade’s (JFB) Fire and Life Safety Awareness Week.
Businesses Participate in Fire Safety Week
Acting Sergeant assigned to the Jamaica Fire Brigade’s (JFB) Fire Prevention in St Elizabeth, Dwight Campbell (second left), along with Acting District Officer of the JFB in St. Elizabeth, Owen Ranglin (left), instruct staff of the St Elizabeth Probation Office on fire safety tips, during an emergency drill in Santa Cruz on Friday, October 29.

The Facts

  • “So many persons are losing their lives and are losing their homes. We are saying to you from the JFB, ensure you protect yourself, protect your families and one of the easiest ways to do that is to create an evacuation plan,” he added.
  • “Performance was good. I can say we operated well and apart from the fact that most of us weren’t aware of how to use the fire extinguishers, that is something we have taken from this,” she indicated.

The Full Story

Businesses and communities in St. Elizabeth are better equipped in fire safety and prevention protocols after participating in several activities, during the Jamaica Fire Brigade’s (JFB) Fire and Life Safety Awareness Week.
The week was observed from October 24 to 30 under the theme ‘Empowering Citizens to Create Fire Safe Communities’.
The JFB carried out several fire drills in Black River, Junction and Santa Cruz among other areas across the parish. In addition, there were daily face-to-face and virtual public sensitization on best practices to keep workplaces, homes, and farms safe from fires.
On Friday (October 29), the team were in Santa Cruz where they engaged several establishments including the St Elizabeth Probation Office and the HEART NSTA Trust in fire drills.
Acting Sergeant assigned to JFB’s Fire Prevention in St Elizabeth, Dwight Campbell, told JIS News that drills were necessary to approve and reinforce fire safety standards.
“For some of the entities, we recognized that there is not necessarily a fire alarm system. What we found happening also is that staff members are not trained in the fire safety protocols and the steps to be followed in the event of an emergency,” Mr. Campbell explained.
“So many persons are losing their lives and are losing their homes. We are saying to you from the JFB, ensure you protect yourself, protect your families and one of the easiest ways to do that is to create an evacuation plan,” he added.
Mr. Campbell noted that installing smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are also key components in fire safety.
“The JFB is always ready to assist any agency or group that calls on us. We offer training whether it is going to be free or a certified training. So, you can reach out to the fire department. You can call or write to us and once you do that, we will act upon the invitation and ensure that your staff is trained,” he outlined.
In the meantime, Mr. Campbell said the JFB will continue to spread fire and life safety awareness and “we asked the citizens out there to join us in sharing the message.”
For her part, Probation Aftercare Officer at the St Elizabeth Probation Office, Geralda Baker, stated that the day’s drill was productive as the fire emergency and evacuation rules were reinforced.
“Performance was good. I can say we operated well and apart from the fact that most of us weren’t aware of how to use the fire extinguishers, that is something we have taken from this,” she indicated.

Last Updated: October 31, 2021

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