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Back-to-School Assistance Provided for Students Registered Under Poor Relief Department

By: , August 25, 2023
Back-to-School Assistance Provided for Students Registered Under Poor Relief Department
Photo: Nickieta Sterling
Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, addresses a recent ceremony to officially open the Ocho Rios Night Shelter in St. Ann.

The Full Story

The Ministry of Local Government and Community Development has allocated $20 million in back-to-school assistance to students registered under the Poor Relief Department.

Portfolio Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, who made the disclosure while speaking at the recent official opening ceremony for the Ocho Rios Night Shelter in St Ann, said there was a pressing need for increased assistance, following discussions with the Board of Supervision.

The Board of Supervision is a statutory body under the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development, established to supervise and monitor the delivery of poor-relief services through the Municipal Corporations.

Mr. McKenzie explained that education is the key to success for persons reliant on poor-relief support.

He emphasised that the Government is determined to continue providing a robust educational programme within the poor-relief framework.

To this end, Mr. McKenzie assured that “we have a very vibrant education programme in poor relief.”

The Minister noted that there have been several success stories relating to poor-relief beneficiaries who have excelled academically.

He shared a heartening example of a young man from his Kingston Western constituency who achieved his dream of becoming a medical doctor.

“[This] young man… went to Wolmer’s [Boys’ School] and ended up with about 16 [subjects with] distinctions and he said he wanted to become a doctor. He has [now] graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in the world, Drexel, [and] he came out of poor relief,” Mr. McKenzie highlighted.

Meanwhile, the Minister advised that more than $150 million has been allocated to councillors for back-to-school support, in order to ensure needy students in their divisions have the resources they required for the upcoming 2023/24 academic year, which begins in September.

Last Updated: August 25, 2023

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