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NET Calls on Organisations to Adopt Schools

By: , July 19, 2022
NET Calls on Organisations to Adopt Schools
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Executive Director, National Education Trust (NET), Latoya Harris, speaks at the handover of a state-of-the-art computer/multipurpose centre to the Three Hills Primary School by Couples Resorts, Tower Isle, on July 14, at the school’s location in Charles Town District, St. Mary.

The Full Story

In celebration of Jamaica 60, the National Education Trust (NET) is calling on organisations to adopt a school in their community, as their contribution to the development of the education sector.

The call came from Executive Director, NET, Latoya Harris, who said investment in the sector now will determine the next 60 years of Jamaica’s development.

“Partnership, we believe, is the way forward to solving many of the issues being faced by students and schools. As such, we urge more Jamaicans to do their part and advance our nation through education. We are going to, especially in this our 60th year, encourage organisations in the vicinity of our schools to look to adopt a school,” she said.

The Executive Director was speaking at the handover ceremony of a state-of-the-art computer/multipurpose centre to the Three Hills Primary School by Couples Resorts, Tower Isle, on July 14, at the school’s location in Charles Town District, St. Mary.

As the chief mobiliser of quality resources and investments in education, Ms. Harris said NET is committed to promoting partnerships within education, noting that the value derived from this collaboration to achieve national development goals for education is inestimable.

“If for Jamaica 60th you are thinking what to do, we encourage you to sow a seed in the field of education, because it is an investment that will reap far more. Just think, school produces the workers for your organisation, your institution and by investing in them early, you get better results,” she pointed out.

“We can also help you to identify schools within your geographical area that are in need of some intervention. Adopt a school for Jamaica 60,” the NET Executive Director added.

For assistance in adopting a school and to make other contributions to the sector, interested parties can visit, www.net.org.jm; email NET, info@net.org.jm; or call 876-485-9725.

Last Updated: July 19, 2022

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