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Forestry Department Forges Partnerships Under Tree Planting Initiative

By: , October 2, 2021

The Key Point:

The Forestry Department has forged new partnerships which will enable the country to meet the National Tree Planting Initiative (NTPI) of three million trees in three years.
Forestry Department Forges Partnerships Under Tree Planting Initiative
Photo: Dave Reid
Minister of Housing, Urban Renewal, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. (right) in dialogue with Chief Executive Officer and Conservator of Forests, Ainsley Henry (left) and Head of the European Union Delegation to Jamaica, Ambassador Marianne Van Steen, on National Tree Planting Day, October 1, at the Forestry Department.

The Facts

  • The tree distribution with GB Energy will last for six weeks and will see its representatives in partnership with the Forestry Department, distribute free seedlings from select Texaco gas stations island wide.
  • Since its first observance in 2003, over 100,000 trees have been planted. The Forestry Department will continue to distribute free seedlings up to October 8.

The Full Story

The Forestry Department has forged new partnerships which will enable the country to meet the National Tree Planting Initiative (NTPI) of three million trees in three years.

This was disclosed by Chief Executive Officer and Conservator of Forests, Ainsley Henry, while speaking at the Department’s National Tree Plating Day Ceremony on October 1.

“I must thank some of our newest partners who have come on board. A big thank you to New Fortress Energy and the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) who are facilitating a buy one get one promotion for fruit tree seedlings. While stocks last, our customers who purchase fruit seedlings will get another courtesy of New Fortress Energy,” Mr. Henry said.

The PSOJ, one of the Department’s earliest partners in the NTPI, had pledged to plant 500,000 seedlings over the three-year period.

Mr. Henry also welcomed onboard the National Environment and Planning Agency which launched its adopt-a-tree promotion on October 1.

“This promotion will allow customers to create and share social media content about the trees they plant for a chance to win a cash prize. I would also like to welcome on board Texaco Jamaica, GB Energy, who through access to their network, will allow us to expand our reach to provide tree seedlings to more Jamaicans, taking the tree distribution component of the NTPI beyond our nurseries to many more communities,” he stated.

The tree distribution with GB Energy will last for six weeks and will see its representatives in partnership with the Forestry Department, distribute free seedlings from select Texaco gas stations island wide.

For his part, Minister of Housing, Urban Renewal, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. called on persons to “plant up Jamaica”.

“As we advance our Renew Jamaica Initiative…we want every community, every school to be involved in protecting our environment. I want to urge all Jamaicans to visit our nurseries at the Forestry Department, get some tree seedlings and plant up Jamaica. Let us together continue to work to preserve our forests and their ecosystems and ensure that we leave a legacy of care for the environment for several lifetimes to come,” Mr. Charles Jnr said.

National Tree Planting Day was observed under the theme ‘Plant Trees: Restore Ecosystems and ReNew Communities’.

As part of activities for the day, teams from the Forestry Department planted seedlings in schools and communities across the island.

Since its first observance in 2003, over 100,000 trees have been planted. The Forestry Department will continue to distribute free seedlings up to October 8.

The public can share their photographs of National Tree Planting Day on social media using the hashtags #NTPI #NTPD2021 #3millionin3years.

Last Updated: October 4, 2021

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