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Jamaica Day To Be Celebrated On February 21

By: , January 22, 2020

The Key Point:

The country will recognise the annual Jamaica Day 2020 celebrations on Friday, February 21.
Jamaica Day To Be Celebrated On February 21
Photo: Donald De La Haye
State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Alando Terrelonge (right), interacts with students from Half-Way-Tree Primary School (from left), Head Boy, Lebron Green; Sa-Lé Bingham and Mikayla Carter, after the launch of Jamaica Day 2020 at Hope Botanical Gardens in Kingston, on Wednesday (January 22).
Jamaica Day To Be Celebrated On February 21
Photo: Donald De La Haye
State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Alando Terrelonge, speaks at the launch of Jamaica Day 2020, at Hope Botanical Gardens in Kingston, on Wednesday (January 22).

The Facts

  • Jamaica Day is a part of the Culture in Education Programme, run by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information.
  • It seeks to celebrate the uniqueness of Jamaicans and the country’s contribution to the world, which is represented in its continuous striving for excellence and greatness.

The Full Story

The country will recognise the annual Jamaica Day 2020 celebrations on Friday, February 21.

Jamaica Day is a part of the Culture in Education Programme, run by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information.

It seeks to celebrate the uniqueness of Jamaicans and the country’s contribution to the world, which is represented in its continuous striving for excellence and greatness.

Jamaica Day 2020 was launched on Wednesday (January 22), on the lawns of the Chinese Garden at the Hope Botanical Gardens.

The theme for this year is ‘Celebrating Jamaica: Highlighting our icons in the Arts, Agriculture and Technological Innovations’.

State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Alando Terrelonge, encouraged administrators of schools to focus on Jamaican icons, who have excelled in the areas of agriculture and technological innovations, as part of the day’s celebration that will inspire youth to achieve greatness as the icons did in the past.

“This year, [we will be] celebrating our Jamaican icons. To be an icon in any country is one of the most amazing things that our children can dream of and aspire to, simply because when you become an icon, you become a person who is worthy of emulation,” Mr. Terrelonge said.

“You become a person who now sets the standards by which future generations must grow, must aspire and also challenge themselves to be also their greatest selves,” he added.

The State Minister said Jamaican icons have left a legacy that can offer the nation’s youth inspiration, information about history and about what truly makes youth iconic, given their nationality, which is being Jamaican.

Mr. Terrelonge had words of inspiration for educators across the island in preparation for Jamaica Day 2020.

“Educate the next generation of young Jamaicans about their history, about what truly makes them iconic and encourage them all to follow in the footsteps of great Jamaicans who have contributed tremendously to our arts, agriculture and technology,” he said.

Last Updated: January 22, 2020

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