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Report on Small Business Sector Will Influence Benchmarks for Wages and Benefits

September 8, 2009

The Full Story

Prime Minister the Hon. Bruce Golding on Tuesday (September 8) congratulated the researchers of Silverstone & Platt Research Solutions Limited, for publishing the first ever report on wages and benefits in the small business sector.
“Silverstone & Platt was created to do this particular kind of work. You ventured into an area where many other people would be frightened away. I want to commend you for the innovative thinking that you have demonstrated. I hope that the study will help us to address the need for some cultural realignment in terms of how we approach business,” the Prime Minister said.

Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of the research company, Silverstone & Platt Research Solutions Limited, Elizabeth Lisa Taylor-Stone, giving an update on her company’s first major publication, the report ‘2009 Compensation and Benefits Report of SMEs, Jamaica’ to the Prime Minister, the Hon. Bruce Golding, during the launch on Tuesday (September 8) in Kingston . The report is considered a benchmark for the small business industry on compensation and benefits.

The 2009 Compensation and Benefits Report of SMEs Jamaica, is a survey of the compensation and benefits of 56 small, medium sized and micro enterprises (SMEs).
In her overview, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Silverstone & Platt Research Solutions, Elizabeth Lisa Taylor-Stone, said that it included a detailed analysis of executive and managerial positions, and information related to all categories in the work force with more than 700 categories listed.

Prime Minister the Hon. Bruce Golding speaking on the proposed Credit Reporting Act during the launch of the ‘2009 Compensation and Benefits Report of SMEs, Jamaica’ on Tuesday (September 8) in Kingston. The publication, done by Silverstone & Platt Research Company Ltd., is the first report to consider small businesses.

SMEs generate about 90% of employment in Jamaica. Sectors represented in the survey include financial services, support business services such as marketing, advertising and human resources, distribution, manufacturing and agencies of Government.

Last Updated: August 21, 2013

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