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$56 Million Set Aside to Complete Upgrading Works at UTECH

By: , February 15, 2017

The Full Story

Over $56 million has been set aside in the 2017-18 Estimates of Expenditure for the continued upgrading and expansion of facilities at the University of Technology (UTech).

The allocation will provide for the completion of shared lecture facilities including installation of furniture and commissioning.

The project, which started in July 2008 and originally scheduled to end in December 2012, aims to enhance the university’s capacity to provide quality level education in Jamaica. After two extensions, it will end in September 2017.

Achievements up to December 2016 include completion of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, the Environmental Laboratory, Student Union and Daycare, laboratory and electrical upgrading.

There was strengthening of institutional capacity in several areas. These include improvement in information and communications technology, income diversification strategy, human resource capacity, and enhancement of the quality of learning and teaching.

Last Updated: February 15, 2017