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$501-Million Relief for Postpaid Residential Customers in April

By: , July 7, 2022
$501-Million Relief for Postpaid Residential Customers in April
Photo: Mark Bell
Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke, speaks in the House of Representatives on Tuesday (July 5

The Full Story

Approximately 474,550 postpaid residential customers who consumed fewer than 200 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity in April, received a 20 per cent contribution towards their bill payment, at a total cost of $501 million.

Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke, said this was reflected on May bills. He added that 9,235 prepaid customers received $3,000 in electricity payment support, paid in May.

Dr. Clarke made the disclosure during a Statement to the House of Representatives, on July 5.

The Minister also informed that in May, 478,461 residential customers consumed fewer than 200 kWh and the Government contributed 20 per cent of their bill for a total cost of approximately $533.7 million.

“This was reflected on June bills. In addition, 9,773 prepaid customers received $3,000 in electricity payment support, paid in June,” Dr. Clarke said.

In March, Dr. Clarke announced that more than 450,000 low and middle-income households, consuming up to 200 kWh of electricity per month, for the period April 2022 to July 2022, will receive a 20 per cent contribution towards their bill payments.

In addition, $3,000.00 per month would be contributed over the same period, for prepaid residential customers.

This is being provided for under the Government’s We CARE Energy Co-Pay Programme.

This is expected to largely benefit persons earning smaller incomes, including vendors, security guards, housekeepers, household workers, bartenders, waiters, handymen, many occupations in the informal economy and hard-working Jamaicans on minimum wage or just above.

The programme is expected to cost approximately $2 billion.

Last Updated: July 8, 2022

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