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200 Soldiers Receive Medal Of Honour

By: , August 2, 2019

The Key Point:

Two hundred members of the Jamaica Defence Force's (JDF) enlisted ranks have received the 2019 Medal of Honour for General Service, effective May 23.
200 Soldiers Receive Medal Of Honour
Photo: Mark Bell
Governor-General, His Excellency, the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (3rd right), presents the 2019 Medal of Honour for General Service to Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) Private, Junior Grant, during the JDF's Armed Forces Day Parade on Wednesday (July 31), at Up Park Camp, Kingston. Looking on is Chief of Defence Staff, Lt. General Rocky Meade (left).
200 Soldiers Receive Medal Of Honour
Photo: Mark Bell
Governor-General, His Excellency, the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (right, standing), and Chief of Defence Staff, Lt. General Rocky Meade (left, standing), inspect the Parade Guard formed by members of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF), during the JDF's Armed Forces Day Parade on Wednesday (July 31). The event was held at the JDF's headquarters, Up Park Camp, Kingston.
200 Soldiers Receive Medal Of Honour
Photo: Mark Bell
Governor-General, His Excellency, the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (3rd right), presents the 2019 Medal of Honour for General Service to Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) Ordinary Seaman, Patrick Anderson, during the JDF's Armed Forces Day Parade on Wednesday (July 31). The event was held at the JDF's headquarters, Up Park Camp, Kingston.
200 Soldiers Receive Medal Of Honour
Photo: Mark Bell
Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (3rd left), presents the 2019 Medal of Honour for General Service to Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) Private, Stanley Whitely, during the JDF's Armed Forces Day Parade on Wednesday (July 31), at Up Park Camp, Kingston. Looking on is Chief of Defence Staff, Lt. General Rocky Meade (left).
200 Soldiers Receive Medal Of Honour
Photo: Mark Bell
Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (left), converses with Chief of Defence Staff, Lt. General Rocky Meade, during the Jamaica Defence Force's (JDF) Armed Forces Day Parade on Wednesday (July 31), at Up Park Camp, Kingston.

The Facts

  • The medals were presented by Governor-General, His Excellency, the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, and Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, during the JDF's Armed Forces Day Parade at Up Park Camp, on Wednesday (July 31).
  • The recipients, who were recognised for land, air and sea operations over prescribed periods, are members of JDF's five divisions – Infantry Regiment; Reserve Corps; Air Wing; Engineering Unit; and Coast Guard.

The Full Story

Two hundred members of the Jamaica Defence Force’s (JDF) enlisted ranks have received the 2019 Medal of Honour for General Service, effective May 23.

The medals were presented by Governor-General, His Excellency, the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, and Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, during the JDF’s Armed Forces Day Parade at Up Park Camp, on Wednesday (July 31).

The recipients, who were recognised for land, air and sea operations over prescribed periods, are members of JDF’s five divisions – Infantry Regiment; Reserve Corps; Air Wing; Engineering Unit; and Coast Guard.

Awardees were drawn from ranks falling below Sub-Lieutenant in the case of the Coast Guard, and Second Lieutenant for the other divisions.

A large number of dignitaries and members of the public attended the parade, which featured the Royal Salute; helicopter fly-over; and a display of military equipment and vehicles.

There was also musical entertainment by the Military Mass Band, comprising the JDF Band and Jamaica Regiment Drum Corps, and the Barbados Defence Force (BDF) band, which was specially invited.

Their rendition of renowned Russian composer, Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s ‘1812 Overture’, included intermittent firing of a canon, which had the audience riveted.

The day also featured activities in the Armed Forces Village, adjacent to the parade ground, where persons were able to procure memorabilia and view displays.

The Medal of Honour for General Service is awarded by the Governor-General in accordance with Regulations under Section 7 of the National Honours and Awards Act.

Last Updated: August 2, 2019

Jamaica Information Service