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$200-Million Damage to Agricultural Sector

By: , October 1, 2022
$200-Million Damage to Agricultural Sector
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., addresses the Jamaica Pig Farmers’ Association (JPFA), Annual General Meeting, at the Bridge Palm Hotel and Resorts in Osbourne Store, Clarendon, on September 29.

The Full Story

Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., is reporting that damage to the agricultural sector by flooding caused by Tropical Storm Ian is more than $200 million, and assistance will be provided to affected farmers.

He said that from a preliminary report that has been compiled, it is clear that persons in the sector suffered losses, adding that after the assessments, a determination will be made as to the level of the response, as the “the Government is committed to supporting them, and we will continue our incentive programmes.

Speaking to reporters after the Jamaica Pig Farmers’ Association (JPFA) annual general meeting in Osbourne Store, Clarendon, on September 29, the Minister said: “We haven’t gotten a breakdown, so we need to disaggregate that, but we are speedily moving ahead to complete those assessments, so that we can put something forward and then to determine how best to give support to those persons who have been impacted.”

He argued that the damage to the farming industry is another reminder that investors in the sector must be resilient against shocks, as many farmers who implemented “resilient operations” were spared losses.

“They were proud that they came out with less damage than they expected, but it also means that we are still in a vulnerable sector that requires collaborations, support, and protection, because it is such an integral and important sector,” the Minister said.

Tropical Storm Ian was upgraded to a hurricane after passing southwest of Jamaica.

Last Updated: October 1, 2022

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