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Youth Encouraged to be the Embodiment of Change in Jamaica

By: , December 2, 2022
Youth Encouraged to be the Embodiment of Change in Jamaica
Photo: Mark Bell
Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams (centre), interacts with student leaders during the inaugural National Youth Leaders’ Summit at the Jamaica Conference Centre in downtown Kingston, on Wednesday (November 30). From left are Yallahs High School’s Shaullette Gallimore and Devonte Davidson, Clan Carthy High’s Shinel Barnett, and Munro College’s Marcus McIntosh.
Youth Encouraged to be the Embodiment of Change in Jamaica
Photo: Mark Bell
Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams (right); Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. Kamina Johnson Smith (centre); and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative in Jamaica, Denise Antonio, in attendance at the inaugural National Youth Leaders’ Summit on Wednesday (November 30). The event was held at the Jamaica Conference Centre in downtown Kingston.
Youth Encouraged to be the Embodiment of Change in Jamaica
Photo: Mark Bell
Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams, delivers remarks during the inaugural National Youth Leaders’ Summit at the Jamaica Conference Centre in downtown Kingston, on Wednesday (November 30).

The Full Story

Youth leaders and their peers across Jamaica are being encouraged to be the embodiment of the positive changes being sought in their schools, communities, and the broader country.

Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams, who issued the challenge, said “change happens through dialogue”, while indicating that “we need to hear your voices”.

Mrs. Williams maintained, however, that “change also needs to happen in an orderly way”.

“Change happens through [persons]… engaging the process [facilitating this]

and not [by individuals] just getting up and blocking streets and [making demands],” the Minister added.

She was speaking during the inaugural National Youth Leaders’ Summit at the Jamaica Conference Centre in downtown Kingston, on Wednesday (November 30).

Mrs. Williams also encouraged youth leaders to endeavour to preserve their integrity, during the course of their engagements.

She emphasised that this is imperative, as “leadership without character can be disruptive”.

“So, even as you strive to create a niche for yourselves and the platform from which to articulate your concerns, you should also strive to maintain personal integrity, [particularly] if you hope to be successful leaders [who] will have meaningful impact on your various societies,” the Minister added.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Williams highlighted the Government’s efforts to provide young people with the skills necessary to adapt to an evolving global labour market, noting that this thrust must extend “beyond lecture halls, school campuses, and even special summits”.

She also underscored the importance of investing in research and innovation, to provide avenues for Jamaicans to be creators and not mere consumers of innovation.

Mrs. Williams further reiterated that the Government, in consultation with various youth stakeholders, has drafted a policy that focuses on creating platforms from which young people are “not just observers, but active participants in shaping their own destiny”.

The National Youth Leaders’ Summit was held under the theme ‘Youth Reignited and Engaged… Transforming Jamaica and the Diaspora’.

It featured riveting panel discussions pertaining to quality education, advancing green and blue economies, and youth perspectives on crime and violence.

It was guided by priority number four of the National Youth Policy, which targets participation and supports the need for young people locally and in the diaspora to be included in the decision-making process.

“Youth participation further enables the creation [and] expansion of platforms for young people to assert their ideas or recommendations to address challenges, as well as represent their views at every level of governance,” Mrs. Williams said.

She thanked the youngsters taking up leadership roles, and lauded them for their commitment and dedication in this regard.

Last Updated: December 2, 2022

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