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Work Continues To Support Education Sector Reform

By: , February 14, 2020

The Key Point:

The Government has allocated approximately $34.26 million to continue work under the ‘Support for Sustainability of Education Sector Reform’ project for the upcoming fiscal year.

The Facts

  • Details are provided in the 2020/21 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives.
  • Being implemented by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, the project aims to support the continued improvement in student performance by consolidating and improving coordination across the sector.

The Full Story

The Government has allocated approximately $34.26 million to continue work under the ‘Support for Sustainability of Education Sector Reform’ project for the upcoming fiscal year.

Details are provided in the 2020/21 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives.

Being implemented by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, the project aims to support the continued improvement in student performance by consolidating and improving coordination across the sector.

The funds allocated for the new fiscal year will go towards developing a plan of action for the strengthening of partnership between the Early Childhood Commission (ECC) and the National Parenting Support Commission; undertaking improvement of the internal quality assurance system for 10 teacher-training institutions; conducting training workshops; and offering support for implementation of the Alternative Pathway for Secondary Education programme.

The Support for Sustainability of Education Sector Reform project was implemented in 2017 and, after an extension, is expected to conclude in December 2020.

Achievements up to December 2019 include conducting training workshops to support the parenting and brain builders initiatives at the ECC; procuring stimulation resources for early-childhood institutions; delivering capacity-building and professional development programmes in numeracy and science; providing resources for science and numeracy to teachers’ colleges to support instruction; conducting workshops to aid in the implementation of new approaches; and providing technical support to education officers in the implementation of the School Improvement Framework.

Last Updated: February 14, 2020

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