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Work Continues on Public Sector Transformation Implementation Project

By: , February 28, 2023
Work Continues on Public Sector Transformation Implementation Project
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke.

The Full Story

A total of $2.37 billion has been budgeted to facilitate the continuation of work under the Public Sector Transformation Implementation Project in 2023/24.

The sum is contained in the 2023/24 Estimates of Expenditure, which will be reviewed by the Standing Finance Committee of the House of Representatives on March 1 and 2.

The project, being implemented by the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, aims to improve government service delivery, by enhancing the quality of transactional services, and efficiency in public spending.

Achievements up to December 2022 include completion of the public-sector compensation review and commencement of implementation activities, rollout of the MyHR+ integrated payroll and HR system in 10 additional entities to bring the total, so far, to 57, and completion of pilot for three (HR, Payroll and Internal Audit) of seven service lines under shared corporate services.

Programmed targets for 2023/24 include completion of MyHR+ rollout to 14 additional entities and pilot of an additional three shared service lines.

The project, which runs from January 2018 to June 2024, is being jointly funded by the Government of Jamaica and Inter-American Development Bank.

Last Updated: February 28, 2023

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