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Trelawny Municipal Corporation Puts Safeguards In Place

By: , March 21, 2020
Trelawny Municipal Corporation Puts Safeguards In Place
Photo: Nickeita Sterling
Mayor of Falmouth, Councillor Colin Gager

The Full Story

The Trelawny Municipal Corporation has put a number of measures in place to protect staff and members of the public against the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Mayor of Falmouth, Councillor Colin Gager, told JIS News that the safeguards include the setting up of sanitisation stations at office buildings operated by the Corporation.

“We also do regular cleaning of areas like the door knobs and ensure that they are sanitised properly,” he said.

Hand washing units have been installed at the entrance to the parish’s two markets in Clark’s Town and Falmouth and Mayor Gager said the facilities are sanitised on a regular basis.

“At the markets, we have our systems in place. Markets open at 6:00 am and are closed at 2: 00 pm and we try to make sure that they are closed at the time specified … so that the place can be sanitised,” he said.

He noted that vendors are encouraged to use the hand washing units “so that we can make sure that we are all protected.”

At the Trelawny Infirmary, Councillor Gager pointed out that access has been restricted and quarantine areas have been established at the facility.

“At the infirmary, we have also set up our sanitisation stations and we sanitise the infirmary on a regular basis. We have cut visits because… our inmates are the older ones and we are told that this virus will affect them even more, so we want to make sure they are safe,” the Mayor said.

Public education is also being undertaken, with a town crier engaged to go throughout the various communities to sensitise residents about COVID-19 and measures to protect themselves and contain its spread.

Meanwhile, Mayor Gager informed that the Municipal Corporation has suspended the issuing of amusement licences and has cancelled entertainment permits for 54 events, in keeping with Government’s directives against public gatherings.

“We also work closely with the police because we have to make sure that there aren’t any gatherings and the law is upheld,” he told JIS News.

Additionally, the Mayor said that care packages are being issued to the less fortunate, including the homeless.

“We are paying special attention to the outdoor poor because they too will be vulnerable to this virus and so we are making sure that food is provided for them. We are making sure that soap and other necessary items are provided so they can practise proper washing of hand,” he said.

Last Updated: March 21, 2020

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