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Transformation Process Will Build Resilience of Public Sector

By: , November 22, 2022
Transformation Process Will Build Resilience of Public Sector
Photo: Donald De La Haye
President, Jamaica Civil Service Association (JCSA), O’Neil Grant, addressing the 2022 Civil Service Week church service on November 20 at the Boulevard United Church, Kingston. Civil Service Week is being observed from November 20 to 26.

The Full Story

President, Jamaica Civil Service Association (JCSA), O’Neil Grant, says public-sector transformation is the country’s best answer to strengthening the resilience of the public service.

“The resilience of our country is reflected in the resilience of the public sector,” he noted.

“The Jamaican public sector has been on a path of transformation of its people, its places, and its processes to deliver quality public services. Today, we have gone a long way in moving us to where we should be, to position ourselves to give quality public service and manage the competing demands and priorities of public administration,” he added.

Mr. Grant was addressing the Civil Service Week 2022 church service on November 20 at the Boulevard United Church, Kingston.

He said that a key part of public-sector transformation is the restructuring of compensation, which will enhance the Government’s capacity to attract and retain talent.

Noting that implementation of the first phase of restructuring is imminent, he said that the process is in  keeping with the Government’s mandate to develop a highly trained workforce and to strengthen internal systems.

“It is a well-known fact that there is no country that can be successful without a well-trained and resourced bureaucracy that is able to attract and retain the best and brightest from amongst its people,” he pointed out.

Civil Service Week 2022 is being observed from November 20 to 26 under the theme ‘The Public Sector: Forging Ahead with Determination’.

Last Updated: November 22, 2022

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