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Three Outstanding Workers Chosen Civil Servants of the Year for 2022/23

By: , November 20, 2022
Three Outstanding Workers Chosen Civil Servants of the Year for 2022/23
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Hon. Marsha Smith (front, left) with Civil Servant of the Year 2022/23, Customer Service Officer, Administrator General’s Department, Oliver Morris (Middle Management); Winner of the People’s Choice Award, Director of Ceremonial Operations and Staff Administration in the Office of the Prime Minister, Sophia Moulton; and Civil Servant of the Year 2022/23, Chief Public Health Inspector and Acting Parish Manager at the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Lennox Wallace (Management) at an awards ceremony held at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston, on November 18. Others from (background, left) are Chairman of the Board of Directors, First Heritage Co-operative Credit Union Limited (FHC), Leodis Douglas; Chief Executive Officer, FHC, Roxann Linton; and President of the Jamaica Civil Service Association, O’Neil Grant.
Three Outstanding Workers Chosen Civil Servants of the Year for 2022/23
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Hon. Marsha Smith (right), presents Director of Ceremonial Operations and Staff Administration in the Office of the Prime Minister, Sophia Moulton with the People’s Choice Award 2022, during an awards ceremony held at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston, on November 18.

The Full Story

Three outstanding public sector workers have been chosen Civil Servants of the Year for 2022/2023.

They are Health Records Technician and Acting Customer Care Officer at the University Hospital of the West Indies, Simone Turton (Technical Support); Customer Service Officer, Administrator General’s Department, Oliver Morris (Middle Management); and Chief Public Health Inspector and Acting Parish Manager at the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Lennox Wallace (Management).

The winner of the inaugural People’s Choice Award, with 35.9 per cent of the 1,597 votes across the Public Service is Director of Ceremonial Operations and Staff Administration in the Office of the Prime Minister, Sophia Moulton.

The awards ceremony was held at the Terra Nova Hotel in Kingston, on November 18.

Each awardee received a plaque, a citation, and a cash prize of $200,000. There is also a $150,000 allocation for a joint community project, courtesy of this year’s main sponsor, First Heritage Cooperative Credit Union Limited (FHC).

Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Hon. Marsha Smith commended the awardees for their exemplary service to the sector.

“From the managerial to the technical level, you are the wheel that keeps the daily operations of this country turning and for that, Jamaica owes you a great debt because it is the public service that has weathered the country through various social and economic storms,” Ms. Smith said.

She encouraged the awardees to continue to be a beacon of excellence for those that are currently in the public service and for those who are to come.

For her part, Chairman of the Board of Directors, First Heritage Co-operative Credit Union Limited, Leodis Douglas who extended congratulations to all the nominees, said the civil service is a critical body which impacts the lives of all Jamaicans.

“I must commend you candidates for consistently going above and beyond to the call of duty at your respective Ministries and Agencies which has ultimately impacted their advancement,” she noted.

In his response, Mr. Wallace gave a commitment to continue to give sterling service to the sector.

“We serve as a testimony for those who are coming behind us, we have paved the way somewhat, and … just like I always say, management and work is like a relay, when you get the baton, you have to run as fast and as hard to complete the task. Thank you for the recognition,” he said.

The Civil Servant of the Year Award commenced in 2004, and this year marks the 18th year since the implementation of the Award.

The event was organized by the Civil Service Week Steering Committee in the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, in partnership with the FHC.

Last Updated: November 20, 2022

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