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Tertiary institutions can determine reopening dates but must observe Health and Safety Guidelines

By: , September 14, 2020

The Full Story

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information has advised boards and administrators of tertiary institutions that they can exercise autonomy in determining when they will reopen their respective institutions.

However, every effort must be made to ensure that operations are aligned with the Disaster Risk Management Act and the guidelines of the Ministry of Health & Wellness in order to prevent a spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Education Ministry, in a recent bulletin, said tertiary institutions are being asked to formally notify the Ministry of their opening dates and arrangements that will be made to support programme delivery.

This should include an outline of the modalities that will be utilised. The Ministry will continue to support all institutions as they seek to operate within the current context. As such, faculty in both public and private tertiary institutions will continue to be able to access the capacity-building opportunities being offered online through Delaware State University in the United States.

The training is designed to strengthen the competencies needed to develop online courses and support teaching and learning in an online environment.

Grants have been disbursed to all publicly funded tertiary institutions to support COVID-19 sanitisation efforts, and the Ministry stands ready to disburse funds for technological upgrades and the engagement of additional janitorial staff.

The Education Ministry, through consultation with the Ministry of Health & Wellness made the decision to delay the reopening of school for the 2020-2021 academic year until October 5, due to the increase in the infection rate of COVID-19 within the population.

Last Updated: September 14, 2020

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