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St. James Public Health Services To Commence Pilot Screening For NCDs

By: , April 27, 2022
St. James Public Health Services To Commence Pilot Screening For NCDs
Photo: Nickieta Sterling
Medical Officer of Health for St. James, Dr. Francine Phillips-Kelly

The Full Story

The St. James Public Health Services will commence screening for common Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in June as part of a pilot project.

The term NCDs refers to a group of conditions that are not mainly caused by an acute infection, resulting in long-term health consequences and often creating a need for long-term treatment and care.

Addressing the recent monthly meeting of the St. James Municipal Corporation, Medical Officer of Health for St. James, Dr. Francine Phillips-Kelly, said the screening clinic will be housed at the Granville health centre as a pilot for six months.

Screenings for prostate, cervical and breast cancers, hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol will be done at the clinic.

“So, these would not be individuals who are already diagnosed and are unwell or on medication, but persons who think themselves to be healthy, to ensure that they are [actually] healthy,” Dr. Kelly explained.

She informed that individuals with an abnormal screening will be referred for immediate treatment to prevent a worsening of their condition.

Chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the number-one cause of death in Jamaica.

The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) says detection, screening, treatment, as well as palliative care, are key components of the response to NCDs.

Last Updated: April 27, 2022

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