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Protection For Consumers Under E-Transactions Act 2006

By: , April 28, 2022
Protection For Consumers Under E-Transactions Act 2006
Photo: Contributed
Consumer Affairs Commission (CAC) logo.

The Full Story

Consumers engaging in or contemplating online purchases are being assured that there are provisions under the Electronic Transactions (E-Transactions) Act, 2006 to safeguard their interests.

Legal Officer at the Consumer Affairs Commission (CAC), Sacha-Gaye Russell, says the Act outlines certain obligations under the Second Schedule, which merchants providing goods and services digitally are required to fulfil.

She provided details during the ‘CAC Live’ digital public education programme on Wednesday (April 27).

Among the stipulations, Ms. Russell informed, are the need for vendors’ full names to be displayed during transactions as well as their geographical/physical, website and email addresses, and contact numbers.

Additionally, she said suppliers should disclose whether their entities are registered or incorporated under any law, their registration number, and place of registration.

Ms. Russell further informed that merchants are required to indicate whether they are members of any regulatory or accreditation body or subscribe to same and the contact numbers for those organisations, in the event clients need to file complaints.

“Vendors are also required to provide information on any Code of Conduct to which they subscribe; it’s necessary and is a requirement under the law,” she further stated.

Suppliers are also expected to provide clients with a description, or the main characteristics and type of products being purchased and the full cost involved, including courier services.

“If they are sourcing it from overseas, they can probably include that information as well, and if the item is not manufactured locally,” Ms. Russell further informed.

The CAC Counsel emphasised the importance of merchants being transparent in conducting online business transactions as with any other format of this undertaking.

“The more transparent you are, it shows that you care about your consumers. You want them to know that information is [available]… . That is how you make your customers happy… that they are entering into a contract with a merchant who is reliable and reputable,” Ms. Russell further stated.

The Electronic Transactions (E-Transactions) Act, 2006 can be viewed on the Consumer Affairs Commission’s website, www.cac.gov.jm.

For further information on this and other consumer-related matters, persons may also call the CAC at (876) 619-4222-30 or send them an email at info@cac.gov.jm.

The Consumer Affairs Commission is an agency of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce.

Last Updated: April 28, 2022

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