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St. James Municipal Corporation Aiming to Curtail Illegal Commercial Activities in Bogue Village

By: , May 17, 2024
St. James Municipal Corporation Aiming to Curtail Illegal Commercial Activities in Bogue Village
Photo: Okoye Henry
Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister (West), Hon. Homer Davis, addresses residents of Bogue Village in St. James during a community meeting on May 9.
St. James Municipal Corporation Aiming to Curtail Illegal Commercial Activities in Bogue Village
Photo: Okoye Henry
Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Hon. Marlene Malahoo Forte, along with Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister (West), Hon. Homer Davis (centre), and Mayor of Montego Bay and Chairman of the St. James Municipal Corporation, Councillor Richard Vernon, in attendance at the Bogue Village community meeting on May 9.
St. James Municipal Corporation Aiming to Curtail Illegal Commercial Activities in Bogue Village
Photo: Okoye Henry
Resident of Bogue Village, St. James, Althea Murphy, participates in the question-and-answer session of a community meeting held on May 9.

The Full Story

Montego Bay’s Mayor, Councillor Richard Vernon, says the St. James Municipal Corporation will be taking steps to address the issue of persons operating illegal garages and workshops in the community of Bogue Village, among other breaches in the parish.

Councillor Vernon, who chairs the Corporation, gave this undertaking while addressing residents during a community meeting on May 9.

He said the operators of these establishments are doing so without the requisite permits, noting that their engagements are encroaching on sidewalks, among other inconveniences.

Councillor Vernon emphasised that these actions not only violate the governing regulations but also pose safety risks and contribute to the deterioration of public infrastructure.

He informed that the Corporation will be conducting assessments and issuing notices to offenders, with penalties for non-compliance.

“We prefer to call meetings and talk, work it out and issue warnings. But when we have had enough, we will choose the more stringent methods to get compliance,” the Mayor declared.

Councillor Vernon also highlighted issues pertaining to the improper disposal of construction materials along roadways, noting that this practice is a major concern.

He emphasised the adverse outcomes of such practices, including increased flooding risks due to drains being blocked by these materials.

Councillor Vernon said the Corporation will be taking steps to address this issue, including confiscating and disposing material left on roadways.

“I also heard about goat pens and cows roaming the community. We have two options before us now, in terms of dealing with stray animals. You may say that some of them are not stray animals because they are in pens. Well, there is another way we can deal with that as well and we have already started the process,” he shared.

Councillor Vernon outlined plans to designate sections of Montego Bay as restricted areas for animal rearing, pointing out that this would require residents to obtain permits from the Corporation to do otherwise, with penalties for non-compliance, including the impoundment of animals.

Additionally, discussions are under way with neighbouring Municipalities to establish an animal pound for Western Jamaica.

“If we do not come to that agreement as Municipalities in western Jamaica, then we will be creating licences for [private] pound operations. So, persons who are interested in operating pounds, we would issue you a licence so you can,” Councillor Vernon underscored.

“Of course, the establishment of that pound is subject to our terms of reference and specifications because there is an Act that guides how a pound ought to be constructed and operated,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Mayor said illegal vending in communities across the parish is also being addressed.

In this regard, he urged residents not to support these operations, as they contribute to the persistence of the issue.

Councillor Vernon further acknowledged the need for solutions to address speeding in St. James.

Requests for the installation of speed bumps (sleeping policemen) have been submitted to the Municipal Corporation, and discussions are ongoing to find suitable solutions to deter speeding drivers, he indicated.

Mayor Vernon also encouraged the residents to strengthen their Citizens Association, as this facilitates better communication with authorities and allows for more efficient responses to community issues.

He further highlighted the importance of active participation in community meetings and engagement with relevant agencies.

The meeting was attended by several Cabinet Ministers and State agency officials.

They included Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Hon. Marlene Malahoo Forte; Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister (West), Hon. Homer Davis; Deputy Mayor of Montego Bay, Councillor Dwight Crawford, and representatives of the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA), Jamaica Constabulary Force, St. James Health Department, and National Water Commission, among others.

Last Updated: May 17, 2024

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