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Contribution to the 2015/2016 Sectoral Debate by the Hon. Robert Pickersgill


Minister of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change, Hon. Robert Pickersgill M.P.




“Enabling Jamaica’s Sustainable Future”



Mr. Speaker I begin my presentation by thanking you for your patience and understanding in providing the requisite leadership for our deliberations, over the years.  In fact, based on my research, you are the tenth Speaker to serve this Honourable House since Independence and your service spans some thirteen years thus far….from your first appointment as the Deputy Speaker from 1997 to 2002; then as Speaker from 2002 to 2007, and again when you resumed as Speaker of the House from 2012 to the present. You are perhaps the only Deputy Speaker who has graduated to become the Speaker.  I say to all my colleagues that ‘respect is due’

Mr Speaker, in my party I am known as a Six Star General, serving under the Commander in Chief, the Eight-Star General, the Most Hon Portia Simpson Miller.   I hasten to say that in my six consecutive terms as the Member of Parliament for the great constituency of North West St. Catherine, except for four short years, I have spent more time on this side of the house, as a Minister, than on that side.

Indeed, Mr. Speaker, I have the distinction of leading a Constituency that has never lost an election, whether Parliamentary or Local, under my leadership.

In addition, since 1989, I have enjoyed the confidence of no less than three Prime Ministers, who have entrusted me with ministerial responsibilities for several critical portfolios.

In this regard, I would like to express my gratitude to, first and foremost, my family for their unwavering support throughout the years. My profound thanks also to my leader, Prime Minister the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller, for affording me the opportunity to serve Jamaica in a Ministry with critical portfolio responsibilities.  Indeed Mr. Speaker, we are “Enabling Jamaica’s Sustainable Future”.

My thanks to my Minister of State, Hon Ian Hayles, for whose support I continue to be grateful. My gratitude to the Executive Management Team at the Ministry, headed by Dr. Alwin Hales who has the distinction of being currently, the longest serving Permanent Secretary with 19 years under his belt, ten of which have been spent with me.

My gratitude also to Director General Dr. Sharon Crooks; Chief Technical Director Lt. Col. (Ret’d) Oral Khan the Heads of Agencies, Departments and Divisions; my office staff, Suzanne, Bansie, Rodeen, Winsome, Heather, Maxine, Annie and Shelly;  as well as my personal staff Kerise, Audrey and Monica, who has been with me for over 30 years, Andrew, and my security officer, Sgt. Wykeham Christie, who has worked with me for some 21 years,  and in whom I am well pleased…READ MORE 

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