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2022 Christmas Day Message by the Governor General, His Excellency, The Most Hon Sir Patrick Allen, ON, GCMG, CD, KStJ


Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen.

My Fellow Jamaicans at home and in the Diaspora:

We are grateful to arrive providentially at the end of another year which tested the mettle of our resilience. However, through it all, we have been blessed in so many different ways, and for that, we are thankful.

As we reflect on our journey during 2022, we recall the many ways in which we were impacted. Some significant and epoch-noting activities transpired this year:
• We celebrated our 60th Diamond Anniversary of Independence and proudly affirmed our nationhood.

• In June, our Sovereign celebrated 70 years of commitment to Jamaica and the Commonwealth. Three months later, she quietly transitioned, while still actively serving. Her son Charles has succeeded her as King and Head of the Commonwealth, of which we are a part.

• Our young people, of whom we are so proud, continue to blaze a trail of excellence in sports, in academia, in culture and other areas of national life. We will not fail you as we continue to pass on our heritage while you embrace the future without forgetting your roots and an understanding of our progress.

• We were again spared the ravages of natural disasters. We demonstrated our appreciation by helping those affected.

• There is now a feeling of relief that after two years of COVID-19 pandemic turmoil, life returned to some semblance of normality. This year, as we celebrate the Holidays, we should still follow the guidelines of the Disaster Risk Management protocols and make every effort to stay safe.

• Thankfully, Jamaica remains a favourite destination for many people, despite the wars, worldwide political disturbances, disruption in the food chain, and social and economic problems. We must keep the peace here in Jamaica, so that our people, our visitors and residents living in the Diaspora can ‘feel safe and alright’ in this ‘one love’ destination of choice!

• Some of you are spending your first Christmas without a loved one because of crime and violence, road fatality, or other travails. The King’s House Family empathises deeply with you, as we too mourn the loss of one of our employees, who died in a tragic traffic accident just a month ago.
We pray that everyone so affected will find peace and comfort.

The challenges we experienced have given us a deeper appreciation of our resilience. We have caught a glimpse of how we can make our Nation great. Now we commit ourselves to the task.

As another year closes, and in this Season, let us seek to rekindle the spirit of goodwill for our families and the entire nation as we strengthen the foundation of ‘peace and love’.

I also encourage you to take some time to rest, relax and have some fun. Nurture your soul, renew your spirit, and allow yourself to be restored. In the words of the poet, Edgar Guest, “when care is pressing you down a bit – rest if you must, but never quit.”

I trust that you and your family will enjoy a Holiday Season filled with peace, love, and happiness. I hope that the warm feelings we experience and share at this time will permeate our hearts, our homes, and our Nation into the future.

Lady Allen and I extend sincere wishes for a safe, and Happy Holiday – to all Jamaicans at home and abroad.

God bless you.


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