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SOES Declared In Several Parishes

By: , November 15, 2022
SOES Declared In Several  Parishes
Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, announces the declaration of States of Public Emergency (SOE) in several parishes and police divisions islandwide during a press conference at the Office of the Prime Minister in St. Andrew on November 15.
SOES Declared In Several  Parishes
Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
Commissioner of Police, Major General Antony Anderson (right), addressing a press conference at the Office of the Prime Minister in St. Andrew on November 15 where Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (centre), announced the declaration of States of Public Emergency (SOE) in several parishes and police divisions islandwide. At left is Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Jamaica Defence Force (JDF), Rear Admiral Antonette Wemyss-Gorman.
SOES Declared In Several  Parishes
Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, fields questions from journalists during a press conference at the Office of the Prime Minister in St. Andrew on November 15, where he announced the declaration of States of Public Emergency (SOE) in several parishes and police divisions islandwide. At second right is Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Information, Hon. Robert Morgan.

The Full Story

States of Public Emergency (SOEs) have been declared in several parishes and police divisions islandwide.

These are the parishes of Clarendon, St. Catherine, St. James, Westmoreland and Hanover and specified areas of Kingston and St. Andrew.

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, who made the announcement during a press conference at the Office of the Prime Minister on November 15, said the security measures are necessary to address the upsurge in criminal activity in the areas.

“The Government, after careful consideration of the advice of the security chiefs, decided to advise the Governor-General that it was necessary and, indeed, appropriate to declare States of Public Emergency in these areas.

“We have seen an increase in criminal activity in these areas and, indeed, a threat to property and in some instances, public disorder. It is important to note that we are also approaching the Christmas season, and this will require the deployment of even greater resources,” he said.

The Prime Minister noted that the Government must act in a preemptive way and maximise the available resources to save lives and property from the threats that exist.

He urged the Opposition to support the measure.

Commissioner of Police, Major General Antony Anderson, reported that up to November 13, there were 1,360 murders, representing an increase of 6.8 per cent over last year.

“Of that figure, collectively, 10 of the 19 police divisions in [the areas under SOE] account for 72 per cent of murders and 75 per cent of shootings,” he said.

Commissioner Anderson said that the main drivers of violent crimes continue to be gang violence, accounting for 71 per cent of all murders, and interpersonal conflicts, which is responsible for another 16 per cent.

Noting that the SOE is a measure to keep citizens safe, he said that in areas where the security operations have been declared, there have been reductions in murders and shootings.

“It will also give us some enhanced powers of search, which we will use, and greater flexibility in the use of our human resources. But I can tell you that with the powers, we will have a greater effect on what we are trying to get done,” he said.

Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Jamaica Defence Force (JDF), Rear Admiral Antonette Wemyss-Gorman, in her remarks assured citizens that the security forces are adequately trained and oriented to protect the human rights of all Jamaicans.

“Citizens will encounter various increased operational activities, including but not limited to vehicle check points, mobile patrol and curfews. These operational activities are not aimed at inconveniencing you but rather to assist in ridding your communities of criminal elements.

“Therefore, we ask you, those who live and work in the areas or travel through them, to be mindful and cooperative with the members of the security forces on the ground,” she urged.

Rear Admiral Wemyss-Gorman also encouraged citizens to provide information that can assist them by calling 311 or 876-837-8888.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang, said the Government is committed to utilising all available tools in disrupting gangs and criminality.

The areas under the State of Public Emergency consist of the entire area of land, comprising the parishes of Westmoreland, Hanover, St. James, Clarendon, and St. Catherine within the established parish boundaries as well as all the police divisions in Kingston and St. Andrew except for St. Andrew Central and St. Andrew North.

Last Updated: November 15, 2022

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