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SERHA Honours Healthcare Workers and Stakeholders

By: , November 28, 2022
SERHA Honours Healthcare Workers and Stakeholders
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Hon. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn, addresses a special awards banquet for healthcare workers at the AC Marriott Hotel in Kingston, on Friday (November 25).
SERHA Honours Healthcare Workers and Stakeholders
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Hon. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn (second left), shares in the presentation of a plaque to Nursing Supervisor, Marcia Thomas-Yetman (second right). Occasion was a special awards banquet for healthcare workers at the AC Marriott Hotel in Kingston, on Friday (November 25). Others from left are: South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA) Regional Director, Errol Greene, and Chairman, Wentworth Charles.

The Full Story

Several healthcare workers and stakeholders have been recognised by the South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA) for sterling performance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The awardees, who represent various areas of the health sector, were presented with plaques and citations during a ceremony at the AC Marriot Hotel in Kingston, on Friday (November 26).

Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Hon. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn, who delivered the keynote address, said the last two years were arguably among the most “worrying times” in public health nationally and globally, consequent on the pandemic.

“As health teams faced varying threats, all to protect the lives of their people, it is a period of history that we won’t dare forget and one for which ‘thank you’ can never be too much,” she said.

Noting that in Jamaica, staff across the regional health authorities have “braved the frontlines to serve”, Mrs. Cuthbert-Flynn said they preserved and prioritised the lives of Jamaicans.

She pointed out that the Ministry, in response, paid tribute to them during July, which was nationally recognised as Healthcare Worker Appreciation Month, for being “firm in their commitment to safeguard the nation.”

“In a time of vulnerability, such as we have experienced in the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers at all levels have served Jamaica with a spirit of resilience, going above and beyond self to address prevalent and evolving health needs,” Mrs. Cuthbert-Flynn said.

“We have seen, first-hand, the flexibility of healthcare workers at all levels who never failed to show up and inspire strength, donning their cape at a moment’s notice,” she added.

The State Minister further emphasised that boosting the morale of fellow team members and allaying the anxieties of loved ones, among others, were commendable acts by healthcare workers, adding that they have “always blazed a trail of excellence” and distinguished themselves in many areas.

“The nation witnessed an amazing [display] as healthcare professionals of all categories rose above their own personal troubles and shouldered the nation through its time of vulnerability. A more outstanding show of resilience we have not seen than the call to duty above self, as demonstrated by our health professionals,” Mrs. Cuthbert-Flynn said.

Last Updated: November 28, 2022

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