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SDC to Stage Social Event for Communities in Westmoreland

By: , August 28, 2019

The Key Point:

The Social Development Commission (SDC) is seeking to address unemployment and youth engagement in New Market Oval, Westmoreland, through its Parish Inter-Agency Networking Programme.
SDC to Stage Social Event for Communities in Westmoreland
Photo: Contributed
Residents of New Market, Westmoreland and surrounding communities, will have several social services brought to them on Thursday, August 29, through the Social Development Commission's Parish Inter-Agency Networking Programme. The SDC is hosting the New Market Social Services and Sports Fair at the New Market Oval Community Centre, on August 29.

The Facts

  • Public Relations Manager at the SDC, Mandel McKulksy, said the programme will bring together several communities in Savanna-la-Mar and present them with the opportunity to access important services to enhance their lives.
  • The New Market Social Services and Sports Fair will be held at the New Market Oval Community Centre, Westmoreland, on August 29, starting at 10:00 a.m., and is free to the public.

The Full Story

The Social Development Commission (SDC) is seeking to address unemployment and youth engagement in New Market Oval, Westmoreland, through its Parish Inter-Agency Networking Programme.

Public Relations Manager at the SDC, Mandel McKulksy, said the programme will bring together several communities in Savanna-la-Mar and present them with the opportunity to access important services to enhance their lives.

The New Market Social Services and Sports Fair will be held at the New Market Oval Community Centre, Westmoreland, on August 29, starting at 10:00 a.m., and is free to the public.

“The event is for persons from the Cooke Street, New Market Oval and Dalling Street communities, and just about anyone can attend. As the name suggests, we will be having several sporting events, including netball, dominoes and male and female football finals,” Mr. McKulksy told JIS News.

The Parish Inter-Agency Networking Programme aims to increase social protection and enhance community safety and security through the creation of customised networks of government and non-governmental agencies that can fill the identified gaps of the provision of services to individual communities.

The event will also entail a back-to-school treat for children from the communities, and services will be offered by agencies that have partnered with the SDC. These include the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Registrar General’s Department, the National Youth Service and Peace Management Initiative (PMI), Western.

“We (SDC) did a study of the area and we realise that approximately 35 per cent of the population is unemployed and a similar percentage being youth. Also, the only viable occupation is fishing, and as you know, that is affected by hazards and climate change. In light of this, we decided to undertake some medium- and long-term initiatives and community activities to address the social issues and build and strengthen the community,” he explained.

Last Updated: August 28, 2019

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