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Sabina Park Lighting 80 Per Cent Complete

By: , July 18, 2014

The Key Point:

Minister with Responsibility for Sport, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley, says she is satisfied with the progress of work on the Sabina Park Lighting Project, 80 per cent of which has already been completed.
Sabina Park Lighting 80 Per Cent Complete
Photo: Mark Bell
Minister with Responsibility for Sport, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley (right), shares a light moment with Senior Vice President of Philips, Laurent de Bray (left), during her visit to Sabina Park in Kingston on Thursday (July 17) to view the progress of work on the US$2.7 million floodlight installation project. Philips is supplying the floodlights to be installed at the park.

The Facts

  • The installation of lights, to primarily facilitate cricket matches at night, is being executed by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) at a cost of US$2.7 million.
  • The project is being co-financed by the Government India, which has provided US$2.1 million under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government of Jamaica.

The Full Story

Minister with Responsibility for Sport, Hon. Natalie Neita Headley, says she is satisfied with the progress of work on the Sabina Park Lighting Project, 80 per cent of which has already been completed.

“Most, if not all of the equipment to be installed is currently here, and work is progressing steadily,” Mrs. Neita Headley told JIS News after touring the South Camp Road facility on Thursday, July 17.

“We look forward to (the work being completed)…somewhere around the 28th of July… (and) to having the lights officially commissioned on the  31st of July,” she stated.

She said that having seeing first-hand, the work being done, and hearing the project details, “I am convinced (that) the work, which is being done here is happening within the scheduled time…and budget.”

The installation of lights, to primarily facilitate cricket matches at night, is being executed by the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) at a cost of US$2.7 million.

The project is being co-financed by the Government India, which has provided US$2.1 million under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government of Jamaica. The remaining funds have been provided by the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF).

The project, which commenced in May, mainly entails the installation of four sets of lights at four corners of Sabina Park, which are being provided by global firm, Philips, through local representatives, Fosrich Company Limited.

Other activities being undertaken include: the installation of electrical cables, and two standby generators to maintain uninterrupted power at the ground.

General Manager of the UDC, Desmond Malcolm, told JIS News that he too is satisfied with the work carried out so far. “We are very confident that by the 31st (of July), we will have (the) commissioning of the lights,” he stated.

He assured that the lights being installed will be sufficient to, not only facilitate cricket games at night, but other activities for which Sabina Park may be used.

“It’s a very good project, and Jamaica, in general, will benefit. Congratulations to my team and our consultants, who have assisted us on the project,” Mr. Malcolm added

For his part, Charge d’Affaires at the Indian High Commission in Jamaica, H.K. Mohan, said the project is proceeding in a timely manner, adding that “good progress has been made.”

“I am happy …that (soon)… the people of Jamaica…will be able to enjoy uninterrupted cricket during the night,” he said.

Jamaica Cricket Association (JCA) President, Wilford ‘Billy” Heaven, stated that the project is at an advanced stage, and is on target for completion by the end of the month.

“It is a commendable effort, given the timeframe we had to install these lights, and it (is indicative of) the efficiency that was brought into the process (by all the stakeholders involved),” Mr. Heaven said.

Last Updated: July 18, 2014

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