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Resumption Of Operations At St. James Parish Court

By: , August 20, 2021
Resumption Of Operations At St. James Parish Court
Photo: Contributed
Logo of Court Administration Division

The Full Story

The Judiciary of Jamaica wishes to advise that the Western Regional Gun Court will resume hearing matters at the St. James Parish Court today, Friday, August 20, 2021), while the St. James Parish Court will resume operations on Monday, August 23, 2021 under STRICT adherence to the COVID-19 protocols.

Acting Director of Client Services, Communications and Information at the Court Administration Division (CAD) Mrs. Kadiesh Fletcher said “our staff will be operating on a shift system, which may result in delays for court users and as such we are asking persons to exercise patience when they come to the court. We are also reminding the public that only those persons who are required for court will be allowed inside the court building.”

Following the closure of the St. James Parish Court, the Judiciary, in collaboration with the St. James Health Department, took the necessary steps to ensure the safety and well-being of our staff and court users for the resumption of matters at the facility. The Judiciary is urging Jamaicans to redouble their efforts to limit the spread of the virus by wearing a mask, sanitising frequently and maintaining physical distance.

We continue to ask for the understanding of the public during what are challenging times for our courts. For further information, persons may contact the St. James Parish Court at 876-613-8112 or email stjames@rmc.gov.jm. They may also contact the CAD at 876-754-8337 or toll free at   1-888-429-5269 or via email at customerservice@cad.gov.jm.

Last Updated: August 20, 2021

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