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Restorative Justice Unit Scales Down Operations

By: , April 3, 2020

The Key Point:

Persons utilising the Ministry of Justice’s Restorative Justice Unit are still able to access services, as the unit remains open, but it is scaling down operations and cancelling sensitisation sessions.
Restorative Justice Unit Scales Down Operations
Justice Minister, Hon. Delroy Chuck.

The Facts

  • Restorative justice (RJ), an alternative dispute resolution method, can be accessed through referrals from the police and the courts as well as self-referrals by persons involved in conflicts.
  • The scaling down of operations comes as a result of reduced intake of court cases, where most referrals come from, following the Court Administration Division’s suspension of Parish Court sittings until April 20 as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Full Story

Persons utilising the Ministry of Justice’s Restorative Justice Unit are still able to access services, as the unit remains open, but it is scaling down operations and cancelling sensitisation sessions.

Restorative justice (RJ), an alternative dispute resolution method, can be accessed through referrals from the police and the courts as well as self-referrals by persons involved in conflicts.

The scaling down of operations comes as a result of reduced intake of court cases, where most referrals come from, following the Court Administration Division’s suspension of Parish Court sittings until April 20 as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Justice Minister, Hon. Delroy Chuck, told JIS News that the Ministry remains committed to continue offering services in a safe manner, in compliance with modified standard operating procedures.

“With regard to Parish and Restorative Justice Centres, we are now conducting pre-meetings via the telephone, limiting RJ Conferences to a maximum of six persons, practising social distancing for all conferences, and frequently sanitising all Justice Centres,” Minister Chuck said.

Meanwhile, members of the public are being encouraged to contact their local Justice Centre through the telephone to minimise contact with persons and potentially furthering the spread of the illness.

The Restorative Justice head office can also be reached at restorative.justice@moj.gov.jm or (876) 908-5527.

Last Updated: April 3, 2020

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