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Public Sector Employees Invited to Participate in Debate Competition

By: , February 5, 2019

The Key Point:

More than $600,000 in prizes is up for grabs in the Public Sector Debate Competition set to take place between March and April 2019.
Public Sector Employees Invited to Participate in Debate Competition
Photo: Contributed
Public sector debate competition flyer

The Facts

  • The competition will see public-sector workers engaged in Parliamentary-style deliberation on the matter of transformation, and other topical issues within the public service.
  • Executive Director of the Transformation Implementation Unit (TIU), Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Maria Thompson Walters, is inviting teams from public-sector entities to sign up to participate.

The Full Story

More than $600,000 in prizes is up for grabs in the Public Sector Debate Competition set to take place between March and April 2019.

The competition will see public-sector workers engaged in Parliamentary-style deliberation on the matter of transformation, and other topical issues within the public service.

Executive Director of the Transformation Implementation Unit (TIU), Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Maria Thompson Walters, is inviting teams from public-sector entities to sign up to participate.

“Public-sector employees should take this opportunity to be a part of the discussions around public-sector transformation and to put their thoughts forward,” she said in an interview with JIS News.

“The competition is a way for us to stimulate and encourage thought within the public sector, as well as to stimulate conversation around public-sector transformation and its impact, and also to have public-sector workers express their views around transformation itself,” she noted.

Mrs. Thompson Walters said that transformation is essential to the economy and the execution of government business.

“The vision we have of public-sector transformation is one of a modern public service that is fair, values people and consistently delivers high-quality services,” she said.

Teams should consist of five members – three speakers and two reserves from each entity. The contest will include elimination rounds, with the final battle to be televised nationally and the winners crowned ‘Master Debaters of the Public Sector’.

“The winners will also receive prizes, trophy and most importantly, recognition and respect from the public,” Mrs. Thompson Walters said.

Interested persons may register by visiting the website www.publicsectortransformation.gov.jm.

Mrs. Thompson Walters noted that teams will be representing their entities, and, therefore, should have the approval of their head of entity prior to registering.

Registration for the competition opened on February 1 and closes on February 15.

The Public Sector Debate Competition will be managed by the Jamaican Association for Debating and Empowerment Limited (JADE).

Last Updated: February 5, 2019

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