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Police Federation Gets Eight Buses

By: , August 3, 2019

The Key Point:

Rank and file members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) will now be able to travel to and from work in greater safety and comfort, through the procurement of eight buses by the Government.
Police Federation Gets Eight Buses
Photo: Michael Sloley
Commissioner of Police, Major General Antony Anderson (centre), presents a key to one of eight buses acquired for rank and file members of the police force to Chairman of the Jamaica Police Federation (JPF), Sergeant Patrae Rowe (right). At left is Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), Richard Stewart. The presentation ceremony was held on Friday (August 2), at the Commissioner's Old Hope Road headquarters.
Police Federation Gets Eight Buses
Photo: Michael Sloley
Commissioner of Police, Major General Antony Anderson (third left), engages with Chairman of the Jamaica Police Federation (JPF), Sergeant Patrae Rowe (left), and General Secretary of the Federation, Detective Tameca Thomas (second left). Occasion was the handover of eight buses acquired for rank and file members of the police force, at the Commissioner's Old Hope Road headquarters on Friday (August 2).
Police Federation Gets Eight Buses
Photo: Michael Sloley
Eight buses acquired for rank and file members of the force. Commissioner of Police, Major General Antony Anderson, handed over the vehicles at the Commissioner's Old Hope Road headquarters on Friday (August 2).

The Facts

  • Commissioner of Police, Major General Antony Anderson, handed over the vehicles to the Jamaica Police Federation (JPF) at the Commissioner’s Old Hope Road offices in St. Andrew on Friday (August 2).
  • Major General Anderson said the presentation of the buses is in keeping with the JCF’s welfare programme for members.

The Full Story

Rank and file members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) will now be able to travel to and from work in greater safety and comfort, through the procurement of eight buses by the Government.

Commissioner of Police, Major General Antony Anderson, handed over the vehicles to the Jamaica Police Federation (JPF) at the Commissioner’s Old Hope Road offices in St. Andrew on Friday (August 2).

Major General Anderson said the presentation of the buses is in keeping with the JCF’s welfare programme for members.

He noted that the objective is to ensure the well-being of the police as they work to “keep the country safe”.

Meanwhile, Major General Anderson said that the Government is committed to ensuring that police personnel are properly equipped to do their job.

“There is a procurement process taking place now to ensure that our members have the tools to do the job that we send them to do,” he noted.

For his part, Chairman of the Federation, Sergeant Patrae Rowe,expressed gratitude for the buses, noting that the members will be pleased.

The JPF has a mission to promote and advance the welfare of rank and file members.


Last Updated: August 5, 2019

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