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PM to Make Announcement on Plastic and Styrofoam Use

By: , August 3, 2018

The Key Point:

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, says he will be making an announcement shortly on measures to combat plastic and styrofoam pollution.
PM to Make Announcement on Plastic and Styrofoam Use
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
(From second left) Governor-General, His Excellency, The Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen; Her Excellency, the Most Hon. Lady Allen; Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness; and the Most Hon. Juliet Holness, look on as Director, Jamaica Music Museum, Institute of Jamaica (IOJ), Herbie Miller (left), points out the features of an early form of banjo used in Jamaican folk music. Occasion was the Governor-General's Independence Reception and Exhibition at King’s House on Thursday night (August 2).

The Facts

  • “I think we must now, after reflecting and celebrating our Independence, make a commitment to protect and preserve our environment. I intend, very shortly, just after the Independence celebration, to make some announcements regarding plastics and styrofoam,” he said.
  • “It cannot be that we use our Independence, our freedom as it were, to litter our environment and to light our dump on fire. It cannot be,” he added.

The Full Story

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, says he will be making an announcement shortly on measures to combat plastic and styrofoam pollution.

“I think we must now, after reflecting and celebrating our Independence, make a commitment to protect and preserve our environment. I intend, very shortly, just after the Independence celebration, to make some announcements regarding plastics and styrofoam,” he said.

“It cannot be that we use our Independence, our freedom as it were, to litter our environment and to light our dump on fire. It cannot be,” he added.

Mr. Holness was speaking at Governor-General, His Excellency, The Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen’s Independence Reception and Exhibition on the lawns of King’s House on Thursday night (August 2).

Cabinet, in March 2017, set up a multi-stakeholder working group, chaired by Dr. Parris Lyew-Ayee Jr. to investigate the use and disposal of plastic packaging materials in Jamaica and the impact on the environment.

This was in response to a motion tabled by Senator Matthew Samuda, which called for a ban on plastic bags below a 50-gallon capacity and on styrofoam, unless it contains an enzyme to facilitate its biodegradability.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister said that the nation has the ability “to be greater than we currently are”, and he is encouraging all Jamaicans to recommit to strengthening economic growth and improving the standard of living.

“I believe… that we are a great country. We have achieved much, but we can achieve so much more, if we are committed to the highest standards as a nation,” Mr. Holness said.

“As we celebrate our freedom and our Independence, I think we should use this as a time to recommit ourselves to achieving the highest standards for our country,” he added.

Last Updated: August 3, 2018

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