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PM Opens Gayle Police Station and Multi-Purpose Centre

By: , July 11, 2020

The Key Point:

Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness on Friday (July 10) officially opened the Gayle Police Station and multi- purpose centre in St. Mary.
PM Opens Gayle Police Station and Multi-Purpose Centre
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (centre) along with Minister of Transport and Mining, Hon. Robert Montague (right) cut the ribbon to officially open the Gayle Police Station and Multi-Purpose Centre in St. Mary on Friday (July 10). Looking on is Assistant Commissioner of Police, Area Two Police Division, Elbert Nelson.
PM Opens Gayle Police Station and Multi-Purpose Centre
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (right) is given a guided tour of the Gayle Police Station and Multi-Purpose Centre in St. Mary on Friday (July 10).
PM Opens Gayle Police Station and Multi-Purpose Centre
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (centre); Minister of Transport and Mining, the Hon. Robert Montague (left) and Canadian High Commissioner to Jamaica, Her Excellency Laurie Peters, view the kitchen facilities at the Gayle Police Station and Multi-Purpose Centre in St. Mary on Friday (July 10).

The Facts

  • The rehabilitation and expansion of the Gayle multi-purpose centre, which was undertaken at a cost of $85 million, is a project under the Citizen Security and Justice Programme (CSJP).
  • The CSJP is a multifaceted crime and violence prevention initiative of the Ministry of National Security which focuses on building community safety and security. The programme provides crime and violence prevention services to 50 vulnerable and volatile communities in eight parishes.

The Full Story

Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness on Friday (July 10) officially opened the Gayle Police Station and multi- purpose centre in St. Mary.

The rehabilitation and expansion of the Gayle multi-purpose centre, which was undertaken at a cost of $85 million, is a project under the Citizen Security and Justice Programme (CSJP).

The CSJP is a multifaceted crime and violence prevention initiative of the Ministry of National Security which focuses on building community safety and security. The programme provides crime and violence prevention services to 50 vulnerable and volatile communities in eight parishes.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Prime Minister Holness said the initial phase of the project covered the renovation of the ground floor of the centre to house a police post, a renovated court house, conference and office areas, and a computer lab.

“This will be complemented in the second phase of the project to include an open auditorium upstairs the current building that will be used for conferences, graduations, cultural and other community activities,” Mr. Holness stated.

He noted that in collaboration with the Heart /NSTA Trust, various skills training programmes will be offered at the facility including: commercial food preparation, data operations and training for the business process outsourcing sector.

Prime Minister Holness also informed that renovation works commenced in January 2019 and included the purchase of furniture and equipment.

The Government of Jamaica funded the project partially, along with loans from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and support from Canadian partners.

Last Updated: July 13, 2020

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