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PHOTOS: Volunteers Participate in Tree Planting Exercise along Highway 2000

January 11, 2021
PHOTOS: Volunteers Participate in Tree Planting Exercise along Highway 2000
Photo: Adrian Walker
Forest Technician with the Forestry Department, Stephen Williams (left), oversees a tree planting exercise involving student volunteers from the University of the West Indies (UWI) Rotaract Club, among other participants, on Saturday (January 9). The volunteers (from second left) are: Roshan Gordon, Valeska Morrison, and Kimona Kenlock. The exercise was undertaken along a section of Highway 2000, in the vicinity of the Linstead Toll Plaza in St. Catherine.

The Full Story

Forest Technician with the Forestry Department, Stephen Williams (stooping), explains the tree planting process to student volunteers from the University of the West Indies (UWI) Rotaract Club on Saturday (January 9). The occasion was a tree planting exercise, involving several volunteers, along a section of Highway 2000 in the vicinity of the Linstead Toll Plaza in St. Catherine.


National Road Operating and Constructing Company Limited (NROCC) Managing Director, Ivan Anderson (right), and Environmental Manager, Errol Mortley, plant a tree along a section of Highway 2000, in the vicinity of the Linstead Toll Plaza in St. Catherine on Saturday (January 9). The exercise involved volunteers from several entities, including student members of the University of the West Indies Rotaract Club.


Forest Technician with the Forestry Department, Stephen Williams (stooping, left), explains the tree planting process to student volunteers from the University of the West Indies (UWI) Rotaract Club on Saturday (January 9). The occasion was a tree planting exercise, involving several volunteers, along a section of Highway 2000 in the vicinity of the Linstead Toll Plaza in St. Catherine.
Last Updated: January 11, 2021

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