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PHOTOS: University Hospital Gets Intensive Care Bed

November 23, 2023
PHOTOS: University Hospital Gets Intensive Care Bed
Photo: Mark Bell
Acting Chief Executive Officer, University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI), Fitzgerald Mitchell (left), along with (from second left), Nurse Manager, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Recovery Room, UHWI, Marsha Downer-Campbell; Representative from Medical Link Limited, Paula Walker; Board Chairman, UHWI, Wayne Chai Chong; Chief Executive Officer, Medical Link Limited, Lainsworth Walker, and Head of the ICU UHWI, Dr. Kelvin Metalor, accepts an ICU Bed donated by Medical Link Limited and the LINET Group, during a ceremony held at the institution in Kingston on Tuesday (November 21). LINET’s new premium high-end intensive care bed features a frame-based lateral tilt solution, developed to help patients recover faster and reduce physical strain on medical personnel. Together with Smart Care Solution, they contribute to more efficient medical care and reduction of administrative tasks.

The Full Story

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Bed donated by Medical Link Limited and the LINET Group, which was handed over to the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) in Kingston during a ceremony at the institution on Tuesday (November 21). LINET’s new premium high-end intensive care bed features a frame-based lateral tilt solution, developed to help patients recover faster and reduce physical strain on medical personnel. Together with Smart Care Solution, they contribute to more efficient medical care and reduction of administrative tasks.
Last Updated: November 23, 2023

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