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PHOTOS: Ascot High School Students Receive Laptop Computers  

November 29, 2022
PHOTOS: Ascot High School Students Receive Laptop Computers  
Photo: R. Fraser
Student at Ascot High School in St. Catherine, Dwayne Robinson (left), holds his new Google Chromebook laptop computer, while speaking with President of the institution’s Parent-Staff Association (PSA), Morris Johnson (second right), and Principal, Shannell Talbert (right). The laptop was handed over by the PSA during the school’s devotion exercise on Monday (November 28). With them is Dwayne’s mother, Jacqueline Brooks.
PHOTOS: Ascot High School Students Receive Laptop Computers  
Photo: R. Fraser
Ascot High School student, Krishana Anderson, receives a new Google Chromebook laptop computer from President of the institution’s Parent-Staff Association (PSA), Morris Johnson. The presentation was made during the morning devotion exercise at the school, in St. Catherine, on Monday (November 28).
Last Updated: November 29, 2022

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