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No Negative Impact Expected From Virtual Senate Meetings

By: , June 1, 2021
No Negative Impact Expected From Virtual Senate Meetings
Photo: Donald De La Haye
President of the Senate, Senator the Hon. Tom Tavares-Finson.

The Full Story

President of the Senate, Hon. Tom Tavares-Finson, says the Government’s decision to allow members of the Senate to join meetings virtually will not negatively impact the operations of the Upper House.

“Following meetings of the Standing Orders Committee of the Senate, a decision was taken, using the advice of the Attorney General as a basis, to allow members of the Senate to participate in meetings of the Senate virtually with restrictions. This decision will not negatively impact operations of the Senate,” the President told JIS News.

Senator Tavares-Finson noted that the move provides an outlet for members who cannot physically attend Senate meetings at Gordon House to participate remotely.

“As far as the Government’s legislative agenda is concerned, we do not expect that this move would retire that agenda, it is simply allowing persons who would normally attend and participate in the Senate to do so virtually, given the impact of the pandemic,” the President said.

He noted that Gordon House is equipped with the technology to facilitate meetings via this mode.

“Senators joining virtually are shown on a screen in Gordon House where they can hear what is going on and participate in the deliberations. These members will be restricted to taking part in debates, asking and answering questions and contributing to discussions. In keeping with current provisions of the Constitution, Senators participating virtually will not be permitted to vote, present a Bill or Motion or form a part of the quorum of the Senate,” Senator Tavares-Finson explained.

Senators joining virtually are required to dress appropriately and still conform to the rules of the Senate.

“Members who are travelling from outside of the Corporate Area, who attend virtually, are not entitled to travelling (reimbursement), but are still entitled to the stipend which normally accrues to them for attendance and participation in Senate meetings,” the President said.

On confidentiality, Senator Tavares-Finson highlighted that all the meetings of the Senate are accessible to the public, and strong consideration was given to cybersecurity for members joining virtually.

Last Updated: June 1, 2021

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