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NLA’s Topographic And Hydrographic Branch Passes Imo Audit

June 22, 2024
NLA’s  Topographic And Hydrographic Branch Passes Imo Audit
A combination of Satellite Derived Bathymetry and Multibeam Survey done at West and East Harbours in Port Antonio, Portland.

The Full Story

The National Land Agency’s (NLA) Topographic and Hydrographic Branch has passed its International Maritime Organization (IMO) audit, to bring the entity in line with global standards and best practices.

The two-week audit, completed on May 24, entails an objective and comprehensive assessment of how effectively a Member State is applying certain fundamental IMO Treaties relating to safety, marine protection and seafarer training.

Acting Manager for the Branch, Diego Billings, told JIS News that the audit of Jamaica’s hydrographic office revealed no adverse findings in the Unit’s operations, making it compliant with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).

“The SOLAS Convention came about after the RMS Titanic sank. Chapter Five, Regulation Nine states that all contracted governments should maintain their hydrographic services. So it’s an obligation that each Member State has, and the NLA did that quite perfectly,” he said.

Mr. Billings added that consequent on the Branch’s work in accurately mapping the country’s coastal waters, no ship or other naval vessel has, in recent times, been grounded trying to dock in Jamaica.

This, he further noted, is crucial for Jamaica to facilitate trade with other countries.

“If the shipping industry finds that your port is not safe, no ship will come to your port, none whatsoever. So we can safely say our ports and harbours are adequately mapped and they are deemed safe,” Mr. Billings said.

Every IMO Member State is obligated to participate in a compulsory audit within a seven-year cycle.

The IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS) anticipates conducting audits for as many as 25 Member States each year.

To date, 120 audits have been conducted under the IMSAS since the Scheme became mandatory in January 2016.

Last Updated: June 22, 2024

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