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NIDS Draft Regulations Tabled in the House of Representatives

By: , January 12, 2023
NIDS Draft Regulations Tabled in the House of Representatives
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister, Hon. Floyd Green, speaking in the House of Representatives on Tuesday (January 10).

The Full Story

Draft Regulations governing implementation of the National Identification System (NIDS) were laid in the House of Representatives on Tuesday (January 10).

The Regulations were tabled by Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister, Hon. Floyd Green.

The NIDS, when implemented, will provide a safe, convenient and reliable means for persons to prove their identity while aiding in furthering the digitalisation of Government, which is expected to reduce bureaucracy and encourage public-sector efficiency and accountability.

Mr. Green said NIDS is intended to make it easier for persons to do business in Jamaica.

“What we plan to do is to lay these Regulations in this draft form, so that they can be taken, considered, reviewed and feedback can be given to us before we take the debate of the Regulations,” he stated.

Four drafts of the Regulations were tabled in the Lower House, including the National Identification and Registration Regulations, 2023, which outlines the practicalities regarding the application, enrolment, cancellation, and renewal of the identification card.

“People will be able to see how persons with disabilities and others requiring assistance, such as the elderly, will be able to access [it]. The regulations also outline the type of documents that may be accepted, the form of the national identification card and what fees… if you were to lose or mutilate the card,” Mr. Green said.

The National Identification and Registration (Information Security) Regulations, 2023, were also tabled.

Mr. Green said these go into detail in treating with issues such as security standards, processes, and practices that the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) will be expected to abide by.

He said if the Authority fails to do so, the National Identification and Registration Inspectorate and Parliament are empowered to bring the organisation back into line.

The National Identification and Registration (Assignment of National Identification Numbers) Regulations, 2023, were also laid in the House.

“How we have arranged the scheme for the NIDS is that your national identification number will be identical to your Tax Registration Number (TRN). So, if you already have a TRN number when you go to sign up for the NIDS, that will become your national identification number. Those who are not yet taxpayers, when they get their national identification number they will not need a separate number to be their TRN when they so elect to get a TRN,” Mr. Green said.

The final document tabled was the National Identification and Registration (Appeal Tribunal) Regulations, 2023.

Mr. Green explained that, by law, it is critical that the NIRA, which will be established, have an appeal process.

“The Regulations outline how an appeal may be made, including the necessary forms,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Mr. Green said copies of the Regulations will be uploaded to the NIDS website at https://www.nidsfacts.com.

Members of Parliament are also being encouraged to speak to their constituents about the Regulations and get feedback.

“I also urge all Jamaicans to read the Regulations, and feedback should be provided to the Office of the Prime Minister… the NIDS project executing team… at customercare@nids.gov.jm,” Mr. Green said.

A form has also been designed and placed on the NIDS website to facilitate real-time feedback on the Regulations.

The Minister further informed that it is intended that the NIDS Regulations will be in place by the first quarter of the 2023/24 financial year, which begins on April 1.

Members of the public have until February 21 to make submissions.

Last Updated: January 12, 2023

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