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National Clean-Up Programme Progressing Well

By: , July 7, 2016

The Key Point:

The Ministry of Local Government and Community Development reports that the national clean-up programme is progressing well.
National Clean-Up Programme Progressing Well
Photo: Rudranath Fraser
Local Government and Community Development Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie (centre), and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Denzil Thorpe (left), assist a resident of Majesty Gardens in South West St. Andrew to place an old refrigerator, being disposed of, on to a truck during the recent implementation of the national clean-up programme in the community.

The Facts

  • Portfolio Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, who participated in the activities, encouraged the residents to take note of the recommended measures.
  • The clean-up activities in South West St. Andrew were conducted over the five-day period, from July 1 to 5.

The Full Story

The Ministry of Local Government and Community Development reports that the national clean-up programme is progressing well.

Approximately $300 million is being spent on the programme, which targets the destruction of mosquito breeding sites identified by the Ministry of Health.

The initiative, which is being spearheaded by a National Inter-Ministerial Task Force, aims to curtail the spread of mosquito-borne diseases, such as the Zika Virus, by maintaining clean environments.

The initiative has already been undertaken in communities in St. James, Portland and the Corporate Area.

Speaking with JIS News during its recent implementation in South West St. Andrew, Permanent Secretary in the Local Government Ministry, Denzil Thorpe, said the public-education component was pivotal to the initiative because “after having cleaned up the bulky waste, there has to be a continuous programme to ensure that there isn’t build-up again”.

Representatives of the Ministry of Health were also on location sensitising residents about the dangers associated with Zika and measures to prevent its spread.

Portfolio Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, who participated in the activities, encouraged the residents to take note of the recommended measures.

“We are here to help you to keep your community free of objects that can facilitate the breeding of mosquitoes,” he said.

Meanwhile, Leader of the Opposition and Member of Parliament, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller, who also participated in the activities, urged residents to play their part to keep their surroundings clean.

“Please, keep the gullies and the drains clean… as this is better for the health of the children and adults in the community,” she said.

The clean-up activities in South West St. Andrew were conducted over the five-day period, from July 1 to 5.

Other participating stakeholders included the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA), Social Development Commission (SDC), Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM), and National Works Agency (NWA)

The national project is being funded through several stakeholders, including the Ministries of Local Government and Community Development, and Health; Jamaica Emergency Employment Programme (JEEP); Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF); NWA; and NSWMA.

Last Updated: July 7, 2016

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