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Mike Henry Opens New Bridge in Long Bay, Portland

October 31, 2009

The Full Story

Minister of Transport and Works, Hon. Michael Henry, officially declared open the Black River Bridge, Long Bay, Portland during a function there on Thursday(October 29).
The bridge, one of 11 being constructed islandwide under the Government of Jamaica/RA Murray International Billion Dollar Priority Bridge Programme, was built at a cost of approximately US$1.1 million (approximately J$90 million).
Construction began in February, 2007, and the project was completed in seven months. It replaces the old structure which had served the community for over 50 years and had outlived its use.
In declaring the bridge open, Mr. Henry said his Ministry is fully committed to the development of the country’s infrastructure, despite the challenges being experienced to provide financing for such development.
He noted that the recently introduced fuel cess was conceptualised for the purpose of helping to procure the funds needed for that type of development, and added that over $400 million has been committed by his Ministry to the restoration of roadways and other infrastructural facilities in the Rio Grande Valley area of Portland.
An additional $43 million has been allocated for general road repairs in East Portland, Mr. Henry said. His Ministry is making every effort to ensure that the roadways in the parish are of the best standard.
Asserting that the new bridge should be regarded as a part of the road development programme in the parish, he emphasised that the development of roads is integrally linked to the wider development of the community and the country.
Stressing that he was confident that the completion of the bridge will significantly assist the development of the Long Bay Community and surrounding areas, Mr. Henry also commended the contractors, M and M Construction Company, for completing the project on time and within budget.
Member of Parliament for Eastern Portland, Dr. Donald Rhodd, thanked both the present and former Governments for ensuring construction of the bridge.

Last Updated: August 20, 2013

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