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Local Government And Rural Development Minister Announces Closure Of Pigeon Cay

By: , December 31, 2020
Local Government And Rural Development Minister Announces Closure Of Pigeon Cay
Photo: Stock Image

The Full Story

Following a range of incidents involving persons using offshore locations for hosting parties in breach of the Disaster Risk Management Order, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Hon. Desmond McKenzie has announced the immediate closure of Pigeon Cay off the island’s southern coast.

“This now takes to three in total, the number of Cays that have been closed and will remain closed by Order. A few days ago, Lime Cay and Maiden Cay were closed, after the receipt of reports of flagrant breaches of the COVID-19 protocols taking place there, and it is our information that persons had started to shift the illegal parties to Pigeon Cay. The police and the JDF Coast Guard will be enforcing the Order to ensure that no gatherings of any kind occur on these Cays. I want to say to the persons who are organizing these events, and to those attending them, that you know that what you are doing is illegal, and you run the risk of prosecution.

“I also want to thank all the persons who have been reporting breaches to me, to the Ministry, and also sharing what they know on social media. We continue to work to ensure public health and safety as we navigate and manage this pandemic.”

Last Updated: December 31, 2020

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