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KSAMC Launches Disaster Management Poster Competition

By: , May 3, 2019

The Key Point:

The Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) has launched its inaugural Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change (DRMCC) Education Programme Poster Competition.
KSAMC Launches Disaster Management Poster Competition
Photo: Mark Bell
Chief Executive Officer of the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC), Robert Hill (second left) shares a light moment with (from left) Opposition Spokesperson on the Public Health and Disaster Preparedness Committee at the KSAMC, Rev. Councillor Neville Wright (left); Kingston and St. Andrew Parish Disaster Coordinator, Terry Forrester; and the Acting Director General, Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM), Richard Thompson. Occasion was the launch of the KSAMC’s inaugural Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Poster Competition at The Knutsford Court Hotel, St. Andrew, on May 2.

The Facts

  • Parish Disaster Coordinator for Kingston and St. Andrew, Terry Forrester, said that the competition, under the theme ‘Disaster Risk Management is Everybody’s Business’, aims to unearth the artistic talents of the participants while educating them about disaster risk management and climate change.

The Full Story

The Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) has launched its inaugural Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change (DRMCC) Education Programme Poster Competition.

Parish Disaster Coordinator for Kingston and St. Andrew, Terry Forrester, said that the competition, under the theme ‘Disaster Risk Management is Everybody’s Business’, aims to unearth the artistic talents of the participants while educating them about disaster risk management and climate change.

“We are tasked with educating the populace of Kingston and St. Andrew about the risk and vulnerabilities of the city, with the ultimate goal of being a safe and resilient city for all… . With that in mind, we have conceptualised a programme which targets the young minds of our society,” she said.

Ms. Forrester was speaking at the launch at The Knutsford Court Hotel, St. Andrew, on Thursday (May 2).

The poster competition is open to young people up to 21 years old, and submissions are invited in eight categories/topics – hurricane safety, fire safety and prevention, earthquake safety, tsunami safety, flood safety, watershed management and protection, landslide protection;, and climate change issues.

Submissions should be made to the KSAMC, ‎24 Church Street, Kingston by May 24.

Acting Director General of the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM), Richard Thompson, commended the KSAMC “on this venture to bring young people into disaster management”.

“It is good when we get youngsters involved in disaster risk reduction and disaster management because… we have to ensure that measures are in place, so that we can protect the country. I am sure that this will be a flagship project not only for the other local authorities but you might see this spreading across the Caribbean,” he added.

The KSAMC poster competition is being staged in partnership with ODPEM and is being sponsored by a number of private-sector entities.

Last Updated: May 3, 2019

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