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KSAMC Councillors Receive Funds To Support Vaccination Blitzes

By: , September 23, 2021
KSAMC Councillors Receive Funds To Support Vaccination Blitzes
Photo: Mark Bell
Mayor of Kingston, Senator Councillor Delroy Williams (left), addresses the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) monthly meeting held on Wednesday (September 22) at the Jamaica Conference Centre, downtown Kingston. Also pictured is Chief Executive Officer of the KSAMC, Robert Hill.

The Full Story

The Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) has allocated $300,000 each to the 40 Councillors within the municipality to aid in the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination programme.

Mayor of Kingston, Senator Councillor Delroy Williams, said that the funds will cover some of the costs associated with staging vaccination blitzes, including transportation, mobilisation, and refreshment.

He noted that blitz events have been conducted in several constituencies in the Corporate Area.

Mayor Williams was addressing the Monthly Meeting of the KSAMC on Wednesday (September 22), at the Jamaica Conference Centre, downtown Kingston.

He said that support for the vaccination programme is crucial in ensuring a return to normalcy in the city, especially economic activities.

He urged the Councillors to play their role in countering negativity against the vaccines and to encourage residents to get inoculated, as it is for their personal well-being, and that of the entire country.

“Councillors have been assisting, so now we are asking them to step up their efforts in communities, to assist in clarifying issues that residents might have and provide information when required, and to make it easier for persons to get vaccinated,” the Mayor said.

He noted that the vaccination programme is important to economic recovery.

“The faster we reopen the city, will be in the interest of the residents,” Mayor Williams stressed.

Last Updated: September 23, 2021

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