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KSAC Extends Amnesty to Illegal Builders

July 7, 2011

The Full Story

KINGSTON — Effective Monday, July 11 the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation (KSAC) will be extending a six-week amnesty to persons, who are building or have had construction done without the approval of the council.

“We are appealing to persons to take in whatever drawings they have to be reviewed and we will see whether or not it is possible after these plans come in to us whether approval can be granted for the portion of work that has been done,” said Mayor of Kingston and St. Andrew, Councillor Desmond McKenzie.

“So the amnesty is for all forms of construction taking place now, those that are completed and have been done without approval we are going to ask you to come in,” he stated on July 6, 2011 at a meeting of the Building and Town Planning Committee held at the KSAC downtown Kingston offices.

 He informed that a team is out in the field doing surveys of all constructions taking place within the corporate area. “We are going to be increasing the numbers come Monday; we will be putting 100 persons on the streets of the Corporate Area to go out, obtain and to bring in this information to the Council,” he said.

In the meantime, Mayor McKenzie informed the Council will remain resolute against the construction of illegal buildings in the Corporate Area, while noting that each year, close to $600 million in building fees is lost.

“It's not only the money we are talking about either, we are losing the environment because a man just get up and build just like that. One of the things that we need to champion is when we grant approval for development, before the developer or the individual can occupy that building, they must first get an occupant certificate from the Council,” Mr. McKenzie said.

The Mayor informed that 80 per cent of new constructions or additions to buildings in the Corporate Area are being done without the requisite approval.

Persons, who need further information on the amnesty, may contact the KSAC at its toll free line at 1-888-429-5440.     



Last Updated: August 8, 2013

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