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Kings Valley Road in Western Westmoreland Refurbished

By: , September 18, 2014

The Key Point:

The Kings Valley main road in western Westmoreland, which was extensively refurbished at a cost of $13 million, was recently opened.
Kings Valley Road in Western Westmoreland Refurbished
Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Noel Arscott (third left), cuts ribbon to mark the opening of the refurbished Kings Valley roadway in Kings Valley, Westmoreland, recently. Looking on are (from left) Mayor of Savanna-La-Mar, Bertel Moore; Secretary/Manager of the Westmoreland Parish Council, Opal Beharie and Councillor Lawton McKenzie and community mmembers.

The Facts

  • The rehabilitated roadway will open greater economic possibilities for the entire community.
  • Minister Arscott commended the citizens for their spirit of cooperation, as they unite to organize and build their community.

The Full Story

The Kings Valley main road in western Westmoreland, which was extensively refurbished at a cost of $13 million, was recently opened by Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Noel Arscott.

The rehabilitated roadway will open greater economic possibilities for the entire community, particularly the many farmers who operate within Kings Valley and adjoining communities.

Addressing the large turn-out of residents who braved the heavy rainfall to attend the official opening of the road, Minister Arscott commended the citizens for their spirit of cooperation, as they unite to organize and build their community.

“I commend you for building a vibrant rural community organization.  I would therefore encourage you to invite the Social Development Commission (SDC) to come in and assist you to create a proper community-based organization,” he said.

Mr. Arscott said that once the community is organized, then there should be further economic progress and development.

“Part of the responsibility of the Ministry of Local Government is community development, and I see that you now have most of the facilities that are required for any modern society – proper light, proper water system, roads, recreational facilities, and cell phone communication – and with a sports facility to come in the near future, you will be totally complete,” the Minister said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Arscott informed that an additional $10 million would be provided to complete the Old Bay Road in Little London.

Last Updated: September 18, 2014

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