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Judges Sworn In To Higher Office

By: , September 16, 2021
Judges Sworn In To Higher Office
Photo: Adrian Walker
Governor-General, His Excellency the Most. Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (right), observes as Hon. Mrs. Justice Cresencia Brown Beckford takes the Oath of Office to act as Judge of the Court of Appeal, at a ceremony held at King’s House in Kingston, today (September 15).
Judges Sworn In To Higher Office
Photo: Adrian Walker
Governor-General, His Excellency the Most. Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (right), presents Instrument of Appointment to Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown, after he was sworn in to act as Judge of the Court of Appeal, at a ceremony held at King’s House in Kingston, today (September 15).
Judges Sworn In To Higher Office
Photo: Adrian Walker
Governor-General, His Excellency the Most. Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (right), listens as the Hon. Mrs. Justice Marcia Dunbar Green takes the Oath of Office as Judge of the Court of Appeal, at a ceremony held at King’s House in Kingston, today (September 15).

The Full Story

Twelve judges were sworn in to higher office, today (September 15) by Governor-General, His Excellency, the Most. Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, during a ceremony at King’s House. 

The Hon. Mrs. Justice Marcia Dunbar Green was sworn in as Judge of  the Court of Appeal, while the Hon. Mr. Justice Evan Brown will act as a Judge of  the Court of Appeal, effective September 20, 2021.

Additionally, the Hon. Mrs. Justice Cresencia Brown Beckford and the Hon. Mrs. Justice Georgiana Fraser will act as Judges of the Court of Appeal for the period between September 20, 2021 and December 20, 2021. 

Their appointments were recommended, following  vacation leave being granted to Hon. Mrs. Justice Marva McDonald-Bishop and the Hon. Mr. Justice David Fraser. 

Also taking the Oath as Puisne Judges were Master Natalie Hart Hines; Her Honour Mrs. Icolin Reid; His Honour Mr. Vaughn Smith, and Her Honour Mrs. Tara Carr, effective September 16, 2021. 

Master Tania Mott Tulloch-Reid and Her Honour Mrs. Sandria Wong Small will both assume office as Acting Puisne Judges between the period of September 16, 2021 and December 20, 2021. 

Their appointments were recommended by the Judicial Service Commission, after the Hon. Mrs. Justice Sarah Thompson-James and the Hon. Mr. Justice Courtney Day were granted vacation leave. 

Meanwhile, Her Honour Miss Stephany Orr took the oath as Master-in-Chambers, while Miss Heather Carnegie was sworn in as Acting Master-in-Chambers. 

In his address, the Governor-General said Judges should always apply the principle of proportionality, balancing the severity of criminal sentencing while at the same time ensuring that it is not so excessive that human and constitutional rights are not violated, nor so sparing that it is not worth being presented to the court,” he said. 

He said the rule of law is the foundation of the country’s democracy and it should not be swayed by politics or expediency. 

“It is, therefore, your responsibility to assure the public that your discharge and administration of justice is robust, effective and impartial,” the Governor-General said. 

He argued that when citizens feel that justice has been served it reduces trauma and adds to their peace of mind.

The Governor-General said that judges are expected to protect, guard, defend and uphold the Constitution as an independent body, “unfettered by any other branch of Government”. 

Meanwhile, President of the Court of Appeal,  Hon. Mr. Justice Brooks, extended  congratulations to the judges, adding that their hard work must continue in the office in which they have been sworn. 

For his part,  Chief Justice, Hon. Mr. Justice Sykes, said the judges have demonstrated that the confidence placed in them was not misplaced.  

Last Updated: September 16, 2021

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