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JSIF Provides $4 Million For Police Youth Clubs

By: , June 19, 2020
JSIF Provides $4 Million For Police Youth Clubs
Managing Director of the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Omar Sweeney.​

The Full Story

The Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) has provided a $4-million grant to the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) to strengthen its police youth club programme.

The funds, provided under the $50-million Safe Community Project, will go towards additional training of officers assigned to the Community Safety and Security Branch in four main areas – human rights, crime prevention through environmental design, crime prevention through social development and communication skills.

“We are empowering the JCF to be partners with citizens in the fight against crime,” said Managing Director of JSIF, Omar Sweeney.

He was speaking at the grant awards ceremony held on Thursday (June 18) at JSIF’s corporate office in Kingston.

Mr. Sweeney said the Fund is committed to providing the necessary support towards achieving a safe, secure and just society.

“We all have the same objective in our fight against crime and violence. Jamaica has been working towards establishing a society that is secure, cohesive and just. JSIF understands its role in helping communities form a positive reality and recognising that partnerships are essential in achieving that,” he noted.

Assistant Commissioner of Police, Community Safety and Security Branch, Elan Powell, in his remarks, expressed gratitude for the grant from JSIF.

He noted that the funds will enhance efforts to engage youngsters, through the police youth clubs, and encourage them “to chart a new path away from crime and violence”.

The components of the Safe Community Project include capacity building of the police youth clubs and other youth groups; implementing a youth curfew programme; providing capacity building for officers assigned to the Community Safety and Security Branch and equipping of the Branch; and conducting community consultations on public safety.

Other elements include a safe schools initiative, and support for neighborhood watch summer camps hosted by the JCF Community Safety and Security Branch.

Last Updated: June 19, 2020

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