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JPS Postpaid Customers Get $525 Million Subsidy on July Bills

By: , July 30, 2022

The Key Point:

A total of 459,764 Jamaica Public Service (JPS) postpaid customers received a 20 per cent contribution towards their energy bills in July amounting to approximately $525 million.
JPS Postpaid Customers Get $525 Million Subsidy on July Bills
Photo: Contributed
Media and Public Relations Manager, Jamaica Public Service (JPS), Audrey Williams

The Facts

  • Media and Public Relations Manager, JPS, Audrey Williams, told JIS News that the subsidy programme, which officially ends this month, provided customers with a welcome reprieve on spending for light bill.
  • Mrs. Williams noted that by fostering greater understanding of energy consumption, customers can better manage their energy use, thereby reducing costs.

The Full Story

A total of 459,764 Jamaica Public Service (JPS) postpaid customers received a 20 per cent contribution towards their energy bills in July amounting to approximately $525 million.

The contribution, which was for energy used in the month of June, was provided under the Government’s Co-Pay Subsidy programme.

A total of 9,998 prepaid customers also received $29,994,000.

The four-month Co-Pay Subsidy programme, which started in April, is part of the Government of Jamaica’s efforts to offset the increasing price of fuel, which directly impacts the cost of electricity.

Under the initiative, all postpaid customers who use 200 kilowatt hours or less for the previous month received a 20 per cent contribution, shown on their following month’s bill for the duration of the subsidy programme.

Residential prepaid customers also benefited from the programme, with persons topping up with any amount during the period receiving $3,000 free credit on their JPS account.

Media and Public Relations Manager, JPS, Audrey Williams, told JIS News that the subsidy programme, which officially ends this month, provided customers with a welcome reprieve on spending for light bill.

She noted that the initiative also served as a good public education tool regarding consumption.

“Persons have shown very great interest in it. If nothing else, it has helped persons to be more conscious of their usage and to get a better appreciation of their kilowatt hours.

“Originally, persons just focused primarily on how much is due. But now that kilowatt hours carry a particular incentive, people are getting more aware of usage in terms of kilowatt hours. That is a benefit in terms of customer education,” she said.

Mrs. Williams noted that by fostering greater understanding of energy consumption, customers can better manage their energy use, thereby reducing costs.

“When people have that kind of information, it is very empowering and they are able to adjust their behaviour… so as to better manage their bills,” she said.

Last Updated: August 2, 2022

Jamaica Information Service