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JPs to Perform Duties Islandwide

By: , September 9, 2016

The Key Point:

Justice Minister, Hon. Delroy Chuck, says the Government is moving to put in place legislation to allow Justices of the Peace (JPs) to perform duties islandwide.
JPs to Perform Duties Islandwide
Photo: Marlon Tingling
Justice Minister, Hon. Delroy Chuck (sixth left, front row); Senior St. James Parish Judge, Her Hon. Sandria Wong Small (sixth right) and President of the St. James Lay Magistrates Association, Claudette Bryan (seventh left) with the new St. James Justices of the Peace (JPs) who were sworn in at a ceremony at the Montego Bay Convention Centre on September 8.

The Facts

  • The Minister implored the new JPs to remember their core values and abide by the code of conduct.

The Full Story

Justice Minister, Hon. Delroy Chuck, says the Government is moving to put in place legislation to allow Justices of the Peace (JPs) to perform duties islandwide.

Addressing an installation ceremony for 35 new Justices of the Peace (JPs) for the parish of St. James on September 8 at the Montego Bay Convention Centre, the Minister said similar legislation will also be coming to decommission those who breach the code of conduct.

The Minister implored the new JPs to remember their core values and abide by the code of conduct.

“I cannot emphasise enough that our Justices of the Peace must act professionally and honestly, so that no one can question their actions,” he said.

The Minister reminded them that the tasks ahead will be hard, and they should remember that they must be carried out voluntarily.

“I want to congratulate and express appreciation for making yourselves available to serve the people of St. James and Jamaica. You are joining a very noble vocation and do not let anybody force you to do anything that is wrong,” Mr. Chuck implored.

The Minister pointed out that there is still a shortage of JPs to adequately serve the island and efforts are being made to increase the number.

“I have urged the Custodes to look for persons with unblemished characters and invite them to become JPs. I have been encouraging the pastors, the teachers, honest and upright community leaders, business people to offer themselves to become Justices of the Peace,” Mr. Chuck added.

He said the Ministry is on a mission to train more persons, mostly JPs, to become stronger community leaders who are able to mediate and restore order across the island.

The Minister noted that the training, which forms part of the Restorative Justice Programme, will be intensified over the coming months.

Last Updated: September 9, 2016

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