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JCCF Receives $200,000 from Running Events Jamaica Limited

By: , February 1, 2019

The Key Point:

The Jamaica Combined Cadet Force (JCCF) has received a donation of $200,000 from Running Events Jamaica Limited, to assist in the expansion of their musical band.
JCCF Receives $200,000  from Running Events Jamaica Limited
Photo: Contributed
: Sergeant Nathanael Scarlett of the Jamaica Combined Cadet Force (JCCF), and Sergeant Anne Burton (second right), display the symbolic cheque of $200,000 which was donated to the JCCF on January 29 by Running Events Jamaica Limited. Others (from second left) are: Running Events Jamaica Limited’s Managing Director, Alfred Francis; Director, Diane Ellis, and Commandant of the JCCF, Colonel Errol Johnson.

The Facts

  • The money was handed over on Tuesday, January 29, at a ceremony at the JCCF headquarters, located at Up-Park Camp, in Kingston.
  • Commandant of the JCCF, Colonel Errol Johnson, expressed gratitude for the donation.

The Full Story

The Jamaica Combined Cadet Force (JCCF) has received a donation of $200,000 from Running Events Jamaica Limited, to assist in the expansion of their musical band.

The money was handed over on Tuesday, January 29, at a ceremony at the JCCF headquarters, located at Up-Park Camp, in Kingston.

Commandant of the JCCF, Colonel Errol Johnson, expressed gratitude for the donation.

“We thank Running Events for this wonderful act of kindness. We must continue to present the opportunity for our children to learn that charity is a part of our service to humanity. I want your organisation to know that we at JCCF are prepared to partner with you in helping others who are less fortunate,” Colonel Johnson said.

Commandant of the Jamaica Combined Cadet Force (JCCF), Colonel Errol Johnson (right), collects the symbolic cheque of $200,000 from Running Events Jamaica Limited’s Managing Director, Alfred Francis (left) and Director, Diane Ellis, at the official handing over ceremony, on Tuesday, January 29.


The Commandant noted that music and the growth of their band will be used to attract more students to the youth-based organization.

“Every Jamaican, whenever they hear music they get excited and we believe that music, through a vibrant band, can encourage children to embrace becoming a part of the JCCF. We want to expand our band, not only in Kingston but all over Jamaica, so in addition to the band we are also encouraging drum corps in each parish,” Colonel Johnson told JIS News.

Meanwhile, Managing Director, Running Events Jamaica Limited, Alfred Francis, said the entity is proud to contribute to the growth of the JCCF.

“We recognise the importance of contributing to valuable organizations such as the JCCF and I hope to continue this relationship, so we can attract more young people to the organisation,” he added.

Last Updated: February 1, 2019

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